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Hi from Nickel's New Mom *waves*

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Whaaat_s.jpg Hi! Nickel's a CAG who just turned 7 years old. She came to live with me about 2 months ago when her first mom had to give her up due to severe allergies. I was really fortunate to have been in touch with someone who knew Nickel's situation. It was love at first sight (at least on my side), and, less than a week later, I guess she decided I wasn't so bad and probably wouldn't do anything unpleasant to her. Since then, we've bonded pretty tightly, which is as surprising to me at it is gratifying, since I know how persnickety CAGs can be about change. ;)


Nickel's a real character, vocal, and of course smart. She's also well socialized, gentle with everyone ~ even kids who manage to stick their fingers in front of her beak before I can intervene. She was a feather picker when she came to me, but her feathers started to grow in nicely ~ until about 2 weeks ago when all of a sudden she pulled out every feather on her breast and then proceeded to lay an egg (her first, I think, although I haven't asked her first mom yet). She's laid 3 all together and seems to be over it now, and her feathers appear to be growing back.


Anyway, it was after the first egg that I went online to find out what to do and found this site, which I joined right away. I haven't had a chance to introduce Nickel and myself until tonight, but I really wanted to say thanks to everyone here who shared their experiences with egg-laying grays on the forum. What I read here relieved my anxiety and gave me some pointers on how to ensure she wouldn't be harmed by her experience. When I took her to the vet a week later, he told me that everything I was doing (most of which I learned on this site) was exactly right! Thanks so much, y'all!


Mary and Nickel


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Welcome Mary and Nickel!!


It's GreYt having you here. It sounds like you are off to a good start with her and it's wonderful to hear she has fit right in with you and family.


Looking forward to hearing more and seeing photos when you get a chance. :-)

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Hello Mary and welcome to the forum! That is so nice of you to rehome an older grey. You are very lucky that Nickel bonded with you so quickly, some people aren't that lucky. I'm sorry to hear that she is plucking. I'm sure you can get her through this tough time. Just give her lots of love and out of cage time. So what did you do with the eggs? Anyways, enjoy the site and ask as many questions as you want. Thanks for sharing a picture of her, we love pictures! :)

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Hi and welcome.Nickel sounds like a treasure.I am glad you found this site helpfull and I wish you and Nickle many a happy hour visiting us hear.Please ask any questions you have and we will all do our best to help.

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Hey, thanks for all the replies. I feel very warmly welcomed. It's unfortunate that I have to work all day and leave Nickel in her cage, but she's out for a couple of hours in the morning and then at lunch at least 3 out of 5 days for an hour, and for a few hours at night. And all day on the weekends, unless she is with me in the car when I put her in a cage in the back seat. So far, she seems to be okay with that schedule.


I broke one of the eggs by accident, she broke one, and one I put in the fridge after a few days of her ignoring it.


BTW, glad you like pictures, because I've got a lot of them. I love taking shots of her ~ she is so beautiful. And sometimes really funny. :)<br><br>Post edited by: GrayGirl, at: 2009/05/20 05:09


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Hello Mary and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Nickel.


Thats great that you could take Nickel in when she was in need of a new home, do you have any other birds or is this your first parrot?


Hopefully she pulled some feathers due to the fact that she laid several eggs and maybe that is over with now, anyways she looks good from the pic you shared, just missing some feathers.


As you have already found out we do have a ton of useful information in our many threads so continue to read thru them and ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Yes we do love pictures here so if you want to share some of them with us we would appreciate it very much.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome welcome her pulling her chest feathers out just before laying could have just bee her creating a brooding spot for what she pecieved as her upcomeing family. I so glad you found us and things are well. Your grey is a very pretty girl and its great you have a heart for the older ones that need a home. Karma to you for that. I rescued a Grey a Couple years ago and adopted a baby about 10 weeks ago she was 5 weeks old when I got her and she is about 15 or 16 weeks old now Tyco my rescue turned 6 yrs old in February. Glad you could join us and hope to see lots of pics and hear lots about you and your new found friend

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Thanks so much for the welcome and the kind words and the info. I don't think it would be right for me to take a baby grey in because of my work schedule. I already hate leaving Nickel alone for hours at a time.


Nickel's still picking :( and other than misting daily, making sure she gets enough Vit. D from the sun, and giving her lots of things to pick at besides herself, I just don't know what else to do. But, even if she were bald all over, I'd love her!


Funny new story: I stubbed my toe over the weekend and hopped around hollering for a little while, and now she's saying "Ow, ow, ow, ow" all the time. I should have named her Echo (or Ecko like Caitlin's). (Thank goodness I didn't use any cuss words!) :)

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Aaww!!! That is too cute...not the toe stubbing, but the "ow ow ow ow" that followed. Ha ha!


I agree the hours away at work are the worst...the work days were long enough before Chimay came home to us, but now they're even worse. It's like traffic can't move fast enough to get home to seem them isn't it??

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've posted a few new pics of Nickel. She's beginning to feather up in front. I can only hope! Otherwise, she's happy and sassy.


Last weekend she was riding on my shoulder and all of a sudden bit my ear really hard. I (gently) put her in her cage ~ for all of a minute, then decided it wasn't really her fault & let her out. I'd been leaving her alone a bit too much and I think it was her way of expressing her displeasure. Anyway, she didn't draw blood, just surprised me. First and so far only time she's exhibited less than gentle behavior. Think that means she's starting to feel really certain of me?

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