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SAD DAY..My Baby is having EPILEPSY


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I dont know how to express the confusion and sadness at this time. I know you guys must remember me telling you that My Beautiful BoobieLu went to the first time to cut her wings; I was not my ideal by the way, i was the breaders. I thing she must haved cut her wing very short because she use to fall and had no balance at all the Dra. Susan Clubb said that she must it fall douwn on her head and got epilepsy, shes going to be for a week hospitalize and i have cry for days know, i feel so guilty for this tragedy, I WILL NEVER TAKE MY BIRDS TO CUT THERE WINGS. Know im very consern of her qualiy of life i want my baby to be happy! oh I did know that Birds could get epilepsy? please some advice will be apriciated! help me.

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Oh no ConnieLu! I am so sorry to hear this. Your poor baby! I'm sorry I can't help, I have never heard of this but I just wanted to give you my prayers. I really hope BoobieLu gets through this. Its so sad, I couldn't imagine what your going through.. Please keep us updated on her progess. :(

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Oh you poor thing. You must not blame yourself, you did what you were advised to do by someone who you thought knew best. I personally don't believe that your bird got Epilepsy because of her falling after being clipped. I believe she was probably destined to have Epilepsy from day one. Whatever the reason, yours is a good case for not clipping. I'm so so sorry to read about this sad story and I hope someone more knowledgeable than me can help you.

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oh my that is so sad I have heard of this before and do take heart there is treatment for this and the vet will explain what must be done so that nothing triggers a seisure. I know thus is so sad. I don't understand why some breeder feel so strongly about clipping birds wings especialy an african Grey they need their wings to be happy confident birds.

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It's very saddening to hear this.


Epilepsy is not caused by a head trauma. If symptoms to to it apparent from a head trauma such as convulsions, that is a very serious injury and would require hospitalization as you are describing.


I pray your Grey is doing ok and that he will come home to you as normal as he was previously.


It would be wise to lower the perches in the cage and make sure you have towels or other cushioning material inside and outside the cage so if a fall occurs, the resulting floor impact will not be so harmful.


Please keep us posted on how this goes.

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I am so sorry.I am praying your vet will be able to manage the epilepsy.He/she will give you advice on how best to manage the birds condition.Dans advise on lowering perches and placing a blankets on the base of the cage are precautions I too would advise.

Please let us all know how your grey is doing.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/05/19 20:56

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I am really sorry to hear about Boobilu.,

i have a little pug that gets epilepsy now and then . the wet have given me some medication she has to have every day to avoid it .. maybe there is somethings that can be used for birds also .,but as danmcq is saying be sure that she can land on something soft if she gets a zeazure it is awfull to watch and i hope you have a good vet there can help you .,

looking forward to an update..

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