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Goofy Tricks?


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lol Judy. With that in mind I taught my tiels to shoot poop on the wall behind their cage...:laugh:


Ive heard unconfirmed stories of a parrot having a pistol shaped hand pointed at it with a "bang!" then it fall over on its back... seems more like something a dog would do as a trick to me. I dunno how anyone would even train a parrot to do that!


Nonetheless, there's some show around where I live I think to do with the local parrot clubs that have contests focused on domesticated avian behavior rather than simple looks. I think the purpose is to encourage breeding based more on positive genetic behaviour instincts.

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Guest briansmum

i've seen macaws do some pretty cool tricks like the gun thing and i've seen some greys playing dead on youtube clips.. and some that let their owners juggle them :P

i had a little go at teaching brian "fetch" today, he lost interest after 5 minutes and all i suceeded in teaching him was that if i took the stick off him (which i had just given him) he got a tickle, so he just stood there while i did all the work and put his head down at the appropriate moment. mind you at least he learned something

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Guest briansmum

lol my grey sticks his tongue out at everything, cups, plates, toys, my fingers, my nose. i think they just like to taste everything. your tag is a baby right zoeysdad?? they do some pretty wierd things to get used to their surroundings. i caught brian trying to climb the wall paper the other day :blink:

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They should be able to learn all sort of tricks if we work with them enough...but that can be tough and you may need some real discipline and patience...Besides saying all kinds of stuff, if you ask Kip "Whats a duck say?" we have her trained to say "Quack Quack Quack!" 95% of the time in response...:P

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I'll bet the time spent training would be much appreciated by the birds. I attempt to train my tiels things by acting all crazy and excited beyond belief and you can tell they are enjoying it to no limit.


I try to teach them to mantle their wings on command by showing them myself and sometimes they do it too. If they do, sometimes we morph into wild wing flapping episodes accompanied by loud cheerful screams and the male going through his repertoire of sounds I taught him. It's usually obvious they arent learning anything I'm attempting to teach, but they are getting a good dose of exercise and intense direct attention. That's why I think teaching stupid tricks is great!:side:

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Guest Lidia

judygram wrote:

I taught Josey to make a big mess, she does that great, you should see it.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


That's a BRILLIANT trick! I think Josey may have been in contact with Joshua ...

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Guest Lidia

hveusnthbrige wrote:

Ive heard unconfirmed stories of a parrot having a pistol shaped hand pointed at it with a "bang!" then it fall over on its back... seems more like something a dog would do as a trick to me. I dunno how anyone would even train a parrot to do that!


I shoot Joshua with a gun-shaped hand and he shoots back with a gun-shaped foot (we both say BANG). Most of my friends and family now, when they come over, have shooting matches with Joshua.


:evil: Remember, it's not guns that kill, it's parrots.


A useless trick? Hmmm. Joshua's response to the cliched question, "Who's a pretty boy?" is to say, "Quack quack quack quack" and then laugh.


Oh, and he waves 'bye bye" with his wings, as he says "bye bye". Sometimes he does this before the person who is about to leave has even got as far as the door. Can be disconcerting, I imagine, to be invited to leave by a parrot.<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/07/02 16:15

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Guest Lidia

Talon wrote:

Forget the foot thing........but she does give me a high five with her foot.


How did you get her to do that? It's very cute. CD's Ceasar likes to have his feet kissed, which is also hilarious.

I should have been more specific, Joshua waves bye bye with his wings, not his foot. He beckons, "come here" with his head (as though it were a finger). I suppose they just use what they've got in the right place at that moment!<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/07/02 17:36

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That's hilarious Lidia!:P


I was at work one day and my Mom came into my room looking for some of my dirty clothes to fill up a half load of her laundry. She bent over to pick them up and Pinkie my male tiel, did the wolf whistle at her. When she stood up stunned and looked at him disgusted he then made his smoochy kissing noise. So my mom said "Pardon me Mr.?" He replied with his quiet little laughing noise then ran and hid behind a few of his big toys.


Granted I should mention, Pinkie only knows the wolf whistle, the kissing noise and the laughing noise. So really he just went through the order in which he learned the noises from me from start to finish... but nonetheless he did them perfectly!:cheer: :silly:


I can hardly wait until my Grey comes home in a few weeks. Oh the craziness that will ensue is just mind boggling!<br><br>Post edited by: hveusnthbrige, at: 2007/07/02 18:45

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Lidia, I was trying to teach Talon to wave with her foot, but she keeps using her wings, so when she put her foot up, I would give her a high five as I say it. Of course me dancing around and making a very big deal about her high five....helped encourage the behavior! :woohoo: :woohoo:

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Guest Lidia

Talon wrote:

Lidia, I was trying to teach Talon to wave with her foot, but she keeps using her wings, so when she put her foot up, I would give her a high five as I say it. Of course me dancing around and making a very big deal about her high five....helped encourage the behavior! :woohoo: :woohoo:


Brilliant. That's how I usually teach Joshua, by adapting something he already does. Perhaps it's them teaching us? Do you actually hit her foot with the palm of your hand, or do you say "high five"? I would love to see a video of it!

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Yes FairY, I have seen the video of Einstein, that is truly amazing what that bird knows to say, it is obvious a lot of time has gone into teaching that bird all those phrases and sounds and when to say them. We could do the same with our birds, but it takes a lot of time to do that and most of us don't have that kind of time. Very intertaining piece to watch.:cheer:

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Lidia, I say "Give me high five!" and she puts her foot up like she's going to step up, and I lightly tap the bottom of her foot with my palm. Then she puts it down and gets lots & lots of praise!!


I have seen the Einstein video. Talon loves to watch it too! It's great!!:woohoo: :woohoo:

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