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Uhh Uhh Trouble is coming! lol


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What a great post Tina! Very interesting information, thanks for sharing your secret with us ;)


Carol! only 2 more days, :woohoo: ahhhh so exited!! I can totally relate to Jane about how she would check on her baby the first couple of days. I did the same thing. I was so excited to have him home finally and nervous at the same time. Everytime I heard him make a move in the cage I would rush to see if he was ok. Haha but my paranoia(sp?) got better. Its ok to be nervous Carol, but I know your going to do GREYT!!

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oopps sorry if I upset you, I will send tissues over immediately, hehe :)


Seriously though you will find that they will be great company for each other. That is why we got Kea for Rangi as I couldn't stand the thought of leaving him alone by himself all day. Now he is one happy bird.


Not long now, how exciting.

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I thought I'd give Carol an eye-opener on today so far with her birds...


6am: They're clamouring to get out. Loudly, growly and whiny. Ahmani pokes Cinder in the butt until Cinder shrieks everytime Ahmani looks at him. Ahjari sits and wistfully stares at the food dish he's currently perched upon.


7am: After tossing giant fits while I feed the other babies in the nursery, they finally group up at the cage door. All rush out when it's opened ..except for Ahjari who begins to make whiny noises and nudge the empty food 'wet' food bowl.


7:10am: After a brief struggle to pry the empty bowl from a very worried Ahjari and collect 2 other flying birds off of walls, ceilings, windows, cages, light fixtures, shelves, out of boxes or anywhere else it would be absolutely impossible for a Grey to fit INTO, to which they reach that spot immediately... The first 2 bowls of wet foods are dished out. One dish for Ahmani and Cinder, one for Ahjari.


8am: Ahmani and Cinder are bored and 'Mani has decided to poke Cinder again. Cinder howls. Ahjari has fallen asleep on his food bowl.


8:20am: Finish cleaning food off trio. Re-clean Cinder who head butts Ahjari into poop.


8:30am: Clean the cage tray. ...reclean the cage tray. ...reclean... Stop and remove birds first.


8:40am: All three are let out onto the playstand 'jungle'. Ahmani nimbly traverses manzanita branches, swings down the ropes and frolics deftly over the cargo net and onto the wooden playstand. Ahjari simply flies there and looks into the treat cups. Cinder stays on the cargo net and falls asleep in a gravity defying position.


8:45am: Rescue self - run for morning coffee!


9am: All three birds sleeping so soundly, they look dead.


9:15am: Had to stop a fight between the trio over a toy.


9:27am: Collected all three as they flew into places that - all of a sudden - they can't extricate themselves from and need assistance.


9:30am: Rescue Cinder from Ahmani ...again.


9:45am: Stop Cinder and Ahmani from eating the comfy chair. Remove Ahjari from the box of cheerios he found.


9:50am: Rescue daughter's sandal from Cinder. ..HOW did he get that?! Rescue wall from 'Mani.


10am: All of them pause from destroying the clean and brand new swiffer duster I mistakenly laid out (on an upper shelf) to fly down and eat the air popped popcorn I bring. Popcorn scatters to every corner of nursery from the wing beats. Rush to office - attempt to write this post.


10:01am: Give Ahjari his own popcorn pile, to stop his caterwauling everytime the other birds touch the popcorn. Rush back to office - attempt to finish this post.


10:15am: Run back into nursery - all three look up innocently. Glare at them - rush to finish post.


10:25: (right now) Finish post, rush back to nursery!

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Lmaoooo OMG there worse then my natural kids! Caitlin you said a mouth full the lil Devils are coming lol. Thank You Tina whewww *blank stare* rofl wondering can we use that deposit on another bird j/k. Well they will be here tommorow pronto! I better eat some spinach and get a FULL nights sleep :D

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