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My baby bird won't eat on his own!


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im back,cookie have a bacteria infection in his throat ,but they going to check what kind of bacteria he have,so result within 3 to 4 days,the vetrenerian gave him (doxycycline/injection)and he gave him baytril oral soln,and he tell not to be worried ,and he is going to be fine latter,and im happy that i took him to the vet befor he get more sicke and weak , but know im witing to be fine, until i give hime his prescription for 7 days:(

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Thats ok Helen, not to worry. This is common in baby greys because they don't have a strong immune system. As long as you give Cookie the medicine he needs, he will be fine. When I first got Ecko he also had a crop infection but after giving him the meds for 10 days it was all gone and he is healthy as can be. Good luck and make sure to give him the meds and do a follow up at the vet. ;)

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thanks every body to support me and help me with all this problem,one thing do any body have an idea to give cookie his medication ,i give him today once in the morning and still one time today ,but he was very angry and he doesnt liked ,i hold his beak just one second like the vet told me and give him his medication by seryng but he wsa very mad ,this the only way i know.:P;) :whistle:

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{Feel-good-0002006E}{Feel-bad-00020063}What a predicament! Did the vet say whether you can give it with food like his oatmeal? How many cc's/millimeters? Are you using a syringe or spoon to give it to him? Smith's Supermarket, CVS and Walmart all sell a small eyedropper that might be easier than a spoon or syringe. Jay and Maggie{Feel-good-000200BB}

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they gave me syring at the vet office ,but when cookie see the syring in my hand he begin to run from me he know,and vet told to dont put it with his food it shoul be by self with out food,i think this the only way i shoul do it catch him in big towel and drop the medication in his throat ,bye forcing him, pour little cookie there no other way.and its not to much just 0.1 ml ,i hop he is not going to hate me after that.:huh: :dry: :S

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Oh don't worry Helen, Cookie won't hate you. I had to do this for Ecko for 10 days too and he doesn't hate me at all, he loooves me! :) Do it quick and easy, hide the syringe from him when your about to give it to him, sneak it up behind him and open his beak and squirt it into his mouth. Just make sure he doesn't see it and he won't run. It may not be easy at first but he should get use to it, its only for a couple days too. Good luck ;)

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hi every body, cookie doing good know im still feeding him allot of warm vegies and pellet and smash apple ,and he is happy eating from my hand and also he is eating little bit by him self from his solid vegies and seed ,he is trying hard ,im glad that he is eating little bit by him self so later he is going to eat all his food with out my help but need patience and time .

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hi:) ,cookie lab test is fine just the infections that he have and Dr.said that i have to give him this medication for 14 days not for 7 days to make shure he is going to be fine ,because he have big infection, so he need it for long term ,know cookie he is eating better then befor but still not eating like usualy bird eat at his age , the breeder told to give baby food vegtable with beef baby food in the after noon time, so this make his weight geting up ,cookie is fine know and he is happy more then befor he is playing more in his cage and his toys.

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I'm so very happy Cookie is doing better :) and playing and eating. Pretty soon he will be gaining weight and eating everything he can get his little beak on. your such a good mama. Do you have to towel his to give him his meds or is he getting used to it?

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I am glad Cookie is doing better.The baby food is a good idea,I fed my tiel it when he was ill a while ago and it did help.Stick to organic ones though and make sure no salt or adatives are in it.The egg is also a great protein.

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yeh im giving him the organic baby food,but egg dont want to eat it he is very pikie bird ,i didnt hear any body saying that my parrot not eating all kind of food ,so this my baby he is gave a hard time to feed but im with him and helping him and teaching with offer him variety of vegies pellet but no signe that he is going to eat till know but keeping doing all what can i do,mean my best hopfuly one day he is going to do and find out how.;):):P

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