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My baby bird won't eat on his own!


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:laugh: Thats great, Try it every couple of days, go slow, the 1st couple of times just let him play with then when he's ok, set it over him, go slow. DOo it a couple times in a day.This will also get him ready to go to a Vet!!! You can also git a ball, like a wiffle ball and sit on the floor with him, roll it to him and let him play with it, Tell him how good he's doing laugh and tell him what a good boy he is.Do this every time you are near him. Your doing great!!!. Jay{Feel-good-00020069}

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hi,this helen again sorry i doesn't give every body news about cookie ,he is gave a hard time to feeding him and I'm too busy with him to find out what he like what not,my baby is very picky ,is this right his crop should be full in the end of day when he begin to eat by his own? so you can feel that his crop full.

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;) Hi Helen, His crop should be full before you feed him... when you feed him his crop will get larger...(you can see and feel his crop is soft) It should empty in around a hour or longer, depending on how much he ate...(between feedings) When he go's to bed at night it should be full, and empty when he wakes up. He should be eating about 30 to 50cc's of formula. His crop don't get as large when he eats on his own...:) Jay and Maggie
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yeh, but mine he doesn't eat more then 35cc he he begin to turn his face after he eat 35cc 30cc ,and he still give a hard time after i try every food tou told about it he begin to get bord and not eat it any more,and he is not taking his formula morning or after noon just in the night ,morning he eat his oat meal like one table spoon ,and after noon i smash for him sweet potatoes and carrot and green beans and he eat like one teaspoon and at five he doesn't wont to eat ,but you see him he is crushing the seed but im very shure he is not eating because i see the seed and the heart still in his bowl and his crop empty ,in the night he take his formula so i tooke his weight its 355 again in the end of day after he eat his frmula, but in the morning 364gram.

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i forget to tell that when he eat his formula he look like he is feedig me how the mom feeding the baby and he begin to throw up a food from his beak ,and he yawning alot like he yawning every5 to 10 minute,so i dont know if this right, every thing i told to the vet that from 4 week ago and he told me this normal and his blood test was normal and his drop was normal so i dont know ,may be he need diffrent test vet should know what he need.

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:dry: Most birds take a big poop (sorry) in the morning, weigh him after he takes his poop! Try a little banana instead of green beans in his smash, serve his smash warm. Try mixing a little peanut butter in his oatmeal (about a 1/4 tsp also in his smash! Doe's he like fruit? Pet stores sell a small bag of "Zupreem Fruit blend" pellets that's kinda cheap, and a "Zupreem weaning pellet" you can try, even wet.He needs fat, Do you feed Cookie Exact macaw or Zupreem Embrace-Plus formula? They are for Grey's. Is he drinking a lot of water? Mix his formula thick,(according to formula)and make sure his formula is 105-109 degrees, start to finsh! We have to feed Spock with a spoon!:cheer:Jay and Maggie

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yeh i will, thank you for every thing you offer me ,tomorow is new day I'm going to try the peanut with his oat meal,i try it before with his vegetable he doesn't like peanut ,but I'm going to try it again i never give up with my baby,im always offer him a new food but he is very pikie ,but in our area we dont have avian exotice vet we have just one its on city of hawthorn this the one i found, and i live at torrance ,CA.

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:) Hi Helen, you can also feed your baby "organic" baby food, warm or room temp. (I.E. sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, etc.) You can also mix it with his oats or his cooked sweet potatoes or straight. That way you can see what he likes...Normally you don't give any or very small amounts of sunflower seeds but in his case, give him a few every day (must be shelled unsalted like from a health food store) for the extra fat. Oh, stay away from the high iron content in the baby foods...:)

Jay and Maggie

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hi every body i'm back ,i tryed the organic baby food ,brown rice and peas and garbonzo beans and carrot ,he liked alot ,and i gave him in the morning oat meal with little bit of peanut he was happy ,after that he didnt touch his seed and dry pellet for 3 hour later ,he just sleep little bit and then begin to active like befor ,i didnt know he is going to like peanut but he did ,and he have vet appoitment at tuesday, and i offer him soak pellet with warm water too at 5 o'clock evening its pretty bird pellet, and the zupreem fruity pellet,know every thing is going perfectly but he is not eating by his own just with my help, its fine for me if this normal. because one breeder told since keeping feeding him by your hand when his age 15 weeks ,so you going to feeding all your life so i get phobic from that and i feel somthings wrong with my bird.

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;) Your doing fantastic:P Helen.I don't agree, you have to get his health back!!! When he's ready to quit, he will.... Spock is 16 weeks old and still is hand fed 2 times a day and only eats a few pellets and seeds a day!!!So,take care of him like you are today and he'll repay you later.{Feel-good-00020114}
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hello,cookie today dont wont to eat his formula or the oat meal in the morning, but he is sitting close to the pellet cherios and vegetable and trying to eat but i dont know if he realy eating,he is crushing his food and the fresh vegetable and seed every thing but dont wont to eat from me any thing just by him self ,so how do i know he is eating or not,and yesterday evening at 5:00he eat 4 peas of soak pellet and he didnt eat his formul in the night ,what should i do from yesterday tell know im keeping doing new formula and mashed food and throw it away each time ,so may be he is eating by his own? how do i know.

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;) You should weigh Cookie each morning after he poops! See what he weighs each day, keep trying with the night formula and the warm veggies the rest of the time. You can always take him to the vet on Tue's if his weight drops.His droppings should have 3 parts, #1 feces should be like a green to brown piece of string, #2 urate, should be juicy and could be cloudy but clear, #3 his urine should be thin watery. To much water can cause his metabolism to work to hard and burn up needed fat. What Formula do you give Cookie? it should be mixed thick like applesauce. :silly: Jay and Maggie
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today he weight 362 gram in the morning after his first drop ,aboit the fprmula, i feeding him keytee exact formula, and i make it more watery then the apple sauce littel bit not too much ,he wont eat it if its thicker then that ,im trying with the vegtable all day i keep the fresh warm vegies with his cage ,and im going to watshing him today and tomorow ,if his weight going to drop more and more im going to take to the emergency vet ,will see whats going to happen ,i hop every thing going to fine, and this normal .

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

keep us posted Helen. i sorta like the ideah of extending formula feeding,but itz wrong to do it 4 adult birdz. they dont stay babiez 4 long and thouh we wud like to handfeed for longtime it sometimez iznt fleasible. do it 4 now while u can but then switch to more solidz. keep us posted on ur little man , Helen.

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;)Helen, Cookie should be eating Exact for Macaw or Zupreem Embrace-Plus, Congos need the extra Fat!!! If your feeding Cookie reg Exact, I hope it's the old label,(green)If it is ,add peanut butter to it and his smash.If it's new one(white)label, quit using it! please I had problems and a lot of other breeders have also had problems with Kaytees new formula!! You can check on the net about the problems with the new Exact...I feel is ok to feed Cookie formula for as long as he needs it, whats important now is to get him to eat!!!and get you calm...Remember...everything Cookie needs is in his formula!!!{Feel-good-00020114}Jay and Maggie<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/05/24 02:41

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jay, maggie were i can find exact for macaw or zupreem embrace-plus,i went to three difrent store i coudn't find it ,:( :dry: :( ,I feed him early today at 7:00 pm o'clock because he was calling me alot ,but he eat 28cc not mor then that,and he begin to run from me and turn his head:dry: :S i feel use less and very stress full ,but im going to try more store to find the right formula.i think i bought the bird from the bad breeder ,spacialy he sale me the bird before it weaned, but know i have to save my baby, thanks every one ,i hope im not giving you a headach ,and bother you alot , sorry :unsure:

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;)Helen, your doing great, keep calm, Your both going to be ok... 28CC'S is great, you don't want to stretch his crop! If you can,t find Zupreem or Exact Macaw,put a little bit of peanut butter,I like half, I like Zupreem regular better than Exact..Petsmart carry it. try to feed Cookie around the same time each day. Are you sure Cookie is a BOY? Was a test(dna) done? Female Cag' are smaller than males...Timneh's are smaller than Congos... Were always here to try to help:cheer:Jay and Maggie

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;) Having trouble with my WIFI. 28cc's is great.. If you can't find Exact macaw or Zupreem-Plus try Zupreem regular and ad a half of tsp peanut butter.How do you know Cookie is a male? Females are smaller than males, Timneh smaller than Congos. Was a Dna test done? Your doing great..:cheer:Jay and Maggie .
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hi every body,cookie is fine and he still stable but he have little bit change, like he is eating little bit of his food by him self know, but I dont trust him till i see him eating very good, and I bought him the zupreem enbrance formula ,and he like it alot but he dont eat it in the morning just in the night thats what he want,his weight stil same 365mg in the morning,and tommorow his vet appoitment ,ill keep in touch ,after i visit his vet .:) :) ;)

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