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Question for those who use Aloe Vera Juice


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I have some aloe vera juice to spray my CAG with . . . it says on the bottle to refridgerate after opening. My bird who hate it if I sprayed her with cold aloe vera juice. Do you put it in the refridgerator? If you do, do you wait until its room temperature to spray on your bird? Do you use some other method to warm it besides just waiting? Or if you dont refridgerate it, is it really ok to spray on your bird after its been sitting out of the refridgerator for a while? I have like a gallon jug . . . I imagine it will take a while to use it all.

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Fill the sprayer with the aloe. Put the other container in the fridge. The sprayer is good for 8 to 10 days at room temperature. Actually, it's good for even more but 8 to 10 days is good to start off with until you feel comfortable using it. The big reason about them saying it needs to be put in the fridge is because aloe juice is made for people who have digestive or other stomach problems. They would need to drink it. We bird nuts only spray it.

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I guess I'm only asking because I used aloe vera juice a couple months ago and started to use just plain water. Just before I stopped using aloe vera juice the coloring around my CAGs ear started to change color. I didn't think anything of it until I looked at it closly and it looked like ear wax. My vet told me it was a fungus, and I've been treating her since then. But I almost wonder if that was from using aloe vera juice that wasn't refridgerated. I never put it in the fridge though so maybe that was the difference. I will follow your advice though. Thank you!!

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