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Cockatiel in bad shape


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Thanks everyone for the posts. I was adamant yesterday I would never get another cockatiel again, as it couldn't possibly live up to him, plus I'd feel like I was trying to replace him. There's too much of a hole left in his absence though, and it's unbearable going upstairs. Whenever I used to open the stairs door he'd know it was me straight away and go mad, and would even chirp whenever he heard my voice. He was in front of the window in the shade during the day and would see me coming in the front gate and go crazy. I went away for a week and was told he hadn't chirped once since I left..I came back and he went crazy. I feel so bad not being there with him, I was barely ever away from him for more than a few days since I got him 10 years ago and he was in my room where I spent most of the day with him. I can't help but wonder if he was wondering where I was the whole time, having never been apart before. On top of this my Grey is constantly saying 'Hello Zack' whenever I pass his cage to the stairs door, as I usually said that and Zack would squawk back at me knowing I was coming upstairs :(


Anyway, I got a hold of the brother of the man I bought Zack off originally and it turns out he has one of his brothers original males. This means he is probably an ancestor of my tiels, so I'm going to try and get a male off him. Is it too soon though? Am I doing wrong by Zack getting another bird so soon?

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You most definately are not wrong, you have to do whatever you feel is right for you and this is obviously the best way for you to deal with the loss. You are not replacing Zack at all - just adding a new member to the your flock to fill the void in your heart.

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No you are not doing wrong by Zack. Everyone copes in there own way.I got my present tiel not long after loosing my two 14 year old tiels within weeks of each other. I could not bare the house being so quiet and seing an empty cage.Good luck to you.

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Well something very weird happened today, the brother of the breeder I originally got Zack off 10 years ago decided to drop in today instead of giving us a phone call. He has the original TWENTY year old male bird that Zack was most likely bred from, or is at least from the same ancestry! And even weirder is the fact this 20 year old bird has just fathered 5 cockatiels that will be ready to go in 3 weeks time! I can't help but feel like I was meant to get one of these birds, so in 3 weeks time he's bringing one down to me, at least now I'll have a part of Zack again.



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See sometimes when one door closes another opens, this was meant to be Tommy, not a replacement for Zack but another companion to help fill the void left by his death. You have much love to give and I hope one of these little cockatiels will bring you much happiness, I think Zack would have wanted that for you.


Keep us informed and of course pictures would be very much appreciated.

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I was so sorry to read your story about Zack, but in some ways it is really good that you didn't have to make the decision to have him put down to end his suffering. Zack is flying free now and at peace.

The news about Zack's baby brothers & sisters just hatching is so wonderful...one of his siblings will be joining your flock soon and help to heal the hole left by Zack's passing. I hope you'll keep us updated as you add a new member to your family.

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