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Cockatiel in bad shape


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Hi everyone,


I have a 12 year old cockatiel and 2 months ago his wings seemingly started to get in his way, they ended up on the INSIDE of his legs and he'd trip over them and get them caught outside of the cage and fall to the bottom of his cage repeatedly, and would be rolling around on his back squawking in pain. First of all let me explain why I haven't brought him to a vet around here yet..I live in a town with two vets who know absolutely nothing about birds.


I brought him to one of these vets before and they nearly killed him when clipping his nails, he nearly died from them cutting the quick of his nail, another time with gastritis they gave him an injection and he almost died from blood loss from that too, I've been extremely nervous about bringing him to these vets because we're so attatched to him..well it came to the point where his feathers were ragged and torn up and pointing AWAY from his body, yet he was still getting caught up in them and his claws were actually protruding through his wing feathers just to walk around.


He was constantly falling so I had to take action and using an online guide I clipped his wins back as far as I could, as it was originally the tips of his wings that were getting caught. This fixed the problem for a while, but now his wings seem to be pulled extremely tight against his body, so his legs are actually going down through his feathers - this 'trips' him up all the time. At the moment its so bad that his wings are actually both on the INSIDE of his legs and he can't get off the bottom of the cage. He's now huddle in the corner and can't get up to the perches (which I've put as low as possible) without getting caught up in his own wings and falling backward.


I can't drive so I'm dependant on family members to transport me to vets, I recently found out theres an avian specialist an hours drive away but with the only people driving in my family being my sister who has children to take care of every day and a brother who works night shifts, it's extremely difficult. I'm hopefully going to get him up to the vet this week, but I'm coming here for advice on what the problem could be? His wings seem to be 'out of place' and pulled in extremely tight against him, to the point where his claws are getting tangled up in them and torn up/ragged. He's eating and drinking fine when he can, but last night I heard a choking sound and turned around to see him with his head under water in his water dish drowning and unable to get out!


Any advice would be greatly appreciated, I contacted a local breeder and he said it could be a calcium defficiency and have been giving him liquid calcium.


Thank you, and sorry for the wall of text!<br><br>Post edited by: tommyn, at: 2009/05/18 00:36

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Sometimes, when a clipping is done the wings and feathers will look fine but sometimes as they grow back, it's not in the direction it's supposed to be. If the feathers didn't grow back at the same time, one could have overlapped 1 or 2 other feathers causing the feathers to be aimed in a different direction. That's only one possibility though. I really don't know about deformed feather growth being from a calcium deficincy. But even though it's difficult the bird needs to be taken to a vet because one of the things he'll be checking is shaft direction and possible shaft infection. It's not an uncommon problem. Sometimes, a few key feather shafts are painlessly removed allowing others to fall into place. There really isn't much we can offer here other tha it's good that you made an appt. Concerning the water dish, until you find out what the problem is, buy a water bottle feeder and replace the bowl. Make sure that the your tiel can see water coming from it when you first put it in. Keep it very close to where the water bowl was. We'll hope for the best.

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Cheers for the reply Dave. I'm not so sure it's the feathers that are causing the problem, it seems that at the start of this his wings totally shifted out of place and were in the way of his legs/feet..and with his feet going through his wings just to climb around the cage they tore up his feathers. It's like he's lost the muscle mass in his wings and they've stiffened up tightly against him and he can't move them at all. I really have no idea what it is, the sooner I get him to the vet the better. I'll get one of those water bottle feeders tomorrow.


Thanks again

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Mabie you should try awater bottle for now so he doesn't drowned when your not around I'm so sorry to hear about your little bird I hope the vet can give you some hope. please keep us updated I wish I could help but I've never seen this before.:S

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Hey guys, thanks for the reply. I rang up the specialist and have got an appointment for early wednesday morning, they had one for tomorrow but it was with a less experienced vet and said by the sounds of it he would really need to see the specialist herself. I'll let you know how he gets on.

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I am preying all goes well at the vets.There is a condition I am aware of called angel wing,it is where the wing or wings are at odd angles to the body.I do not know if this is yout tiel problem.I do hope the vet manages to find a solution.Please let us know as soon as you can.

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I brought him to the vet this morning and they said they'd keep him in til friday and do an x-ray today, she said she has never seen anything like it. She rang me just now to tell me a tumour showed up on the x-ray and asked me did I want to save him suffering and put him to sleep while he was under anasthetic, I told her no that I'd have to be there with him. I don't know what to do, he isn't in pain and doesnt seem to be suffering at the moment but in the long run it could spread and cause him more suffering. What do I do? :(

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Hey there.

im truely sorry to read your story.. and it is so hard for every one to tell you what you should do .,.i would say go with your gut feeling, maybe you can have your little friend a little longer, as long as he dont suffer ... but you also have to think what is best for the little fellow.. im so sorry for you and i know i might not be to any help . but will be thinking of you.,:(

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I was back on the phone to her and he still hasn't woken up from the anasthetic, she said they only gave him enough gas for the x-ray and that he should be wide awake by now but she's not happy with his breathing and he's on oxygen/ventilation now. I told her if he wakes up I'll make a decision tomorrow but want to be there with him. She said he's very thin and it's too far gone for surgery..and that it could have spread to his lungs. Either way he's not in pain and will go peacefully today if he doesn't wake up. Thanks for all the posts. :(

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I am so sorry to hear of this Tommy, my heart goes out to you and you will know what to do after some soul searching, I know you hate losing the little fella but you have to think about what is best for him, that is all that matters at the moment. I will keep him and you in my thoughts and prayers.

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I'm afraid about 40 minutes ago I got a phone call informing me Zack my tiel had passed away. He woke up from the anasthetic but his breathing was very laboured, she said he had a sudden death and didn't suffer..and that it's probably best I wasn't there to see him, nor for him to see me. It's just as well as I didn't have to go through the pain of being there as he died, as much as I wanted to say goodbye to him. I'm driving there tomorrow to get him.



RIP Zack :( {Love-0002011D}<br><br>Post edited by: tommyn, at: 2009/05/20 19:44

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Hey Tomm

feel so sorry for you .. but maybe you are right that it was good you didnt see him in the end and he you ., now yuo can both remember the happy times and not the last sad time too much though its hard...


i sat with my bird in hand when he died and i was so sad and though i remember the short but good times we had .,. i still cant get over the day he died in my hands.,

i feel for you but the littel fellow is in no pain now .. uh im starting to cry with you now ...:sick:

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