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congo or timneh?


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I am looking for my new best friend. I was waiting for a baby cag from my lps but his breeder never delivered the baby's. He just got in 2 tag and i was wondering if anyone can tell me thier opinions on the 2 birds. I had a congo before and she was a wonderfull bird so thats why i was going to get another. But i have been told that the tim's are more relaxed. I didn't have a problem with my congo but was i just lucky? Does anyone have experience with both birds and can give me advise. Should i hold out for the congo or put a dep on the tim? By the way I trust the pet store very much I have seen his care of the birds first hand for a long time and he is wonderfull and very responsable.

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I think you would be happy with either, I happen to have a Cag but would have been just as happy to have had a Tag, not a whole lot of difference in them except for the obvious differences in beak and tail color and Tags are smaller.<br><br>Post edited by: judygram, at: 2009/05/18 02:04

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I always wanted a Timnah and I ended up with 2 Cags I love them to death but I have heard there really isn't much difference between the 2 speicies except tail and beak colour. I heard tha Timnahs are less likely to pluck and are more laid back and excepting of things. If you don't mind me asking what happened to your Congo

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No problem at all. I had a family emergency that was unavoidable. I had to take my kids and move to texas by greyhound bus. Greyhound don't allow pets and i didnt have the money to fly her. A family friend took her for me. It was 3 yrs before i was able to come home again and she has gotten very attached to her new dad. I don't have the heart to break them up. I miss her so much. But i really had no choice.

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Thats so sad but I'm glad she has a new dad that loves her and takes good care of her. If I were you I would put a deposit on the Timnah I've heard nothing but wonderful things about them they may be a bit smaller but that doesn't mean they are any less smart and I think they are just as pretty as the congo mabie you won't get as much dust because they are smaller my 2 Congos can put an inch of dust on things in 1 day.

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I am getting a TAG but it really didn't matter to me. The breeder just happens to have TAG eggs not CAG eggs at the moment. I have read a lot online about both and there is very little difference other than size/color. Google Timneh and read about them. That was very informative for me.

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I had a Tmneh for 20 years and he was a great bird. He was little in size but big in ego - he ruled the house. He loved to be held under my chin or cupped in my hands.


I've had a Congo for a little over a month. Also a great bird. The similarities are uncanny. My Timneh Nelson was more skittish and needed new toys introduced slowly. My Congo Sam looks at new toys with excitment. I think its just differences in personalities and the fact Nelson was wild caught, imported bird and Sam was hand fed.


You'd enjoy either bird. Both are very smart and packed with personality.


I had to say that the Congo's bigger set of lungs makes for louder noises!



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