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Hi everyone!!


My name is Carol, and I've had my grey, Cookie, for about a 1.5 years now. He's about 10 years old. I actually got him off Craiglist. :) I was a little wary...but we went and met him, and he seemed pretty mellow.


After we got him home, all was good for about 2 months, then the honeymoon was over. LOL He was raised by a man, and he really took well to my husband, but that wasn't working out so good for me. Hubby backed off, and after a lot of struggling with Cookie wanting to take my fingers off....we finally broke through. What's funny is, Cookie knows who feeds him, and who plays with him, and he loves me to pieces, but he REALLY loves my husband. If hubby walks in the office and even LOOKS at Cookie, the regurgitation begins. Completely grosses out my husband! :laugh:


I wish he was more "cuddly"...but you know, for adopting him at age 9...I think we're doing pretty good. He has no bad habits, he's not a plucker, he talks [and belches] up a storm :) whistles, sings, and just seems to be a genuinely happy guy.


He's pretty quick to learn new sayings and phrases, but much to my daughter's dismay, he won't learn her name. What's funny, however, is a lot of the things he picks up, he gets from her. He calls me "mom," and hubby "dad," and he actually does call me from the other room. He repeats all her ooohs and awwws... and "pretty bird", etc. He even sounds like her when the phone rings. It will ring and he will say, "Hello? [pause] mmmm-hmmmm. [pause] okay!" I figure that's me calling her after school every day. :laugh:


Look forward to getting to know you all! :)




P.S. Here's a pic of him as he's hanging out watching me type this note. :P




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Hello Carol and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about your and Cookie.


That is about typical of an older bird coming to a new to him home, there is a honeymoon phase that when its over the true personality comes out but I see from your post you have worked thru that and now he is well adjusted and fitting in nicely.


What were the circumstances that you came to acquire Cookie, I know he came off Craiglist but why were his former owners finding a new home for him? Just curious to know.


Is this your first grey, first parrot? Do you have any other birds or pets?


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Thanks for including a pic of Cookie in your introduction post, we usually have to ask for we love to admire each other's greys here.

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Hey Judy,


The guy I got Cookie from basically said he didn't have time enough to devote to him. He was recently divorced, and had full custody of his two small children. It was also close to Christmas time, and my feeling was he was in need of money for gifts for the kids. When we went to see him, Cookie (of course) was on his best behavior. He looked healthy, and happy, and we decided to take a chance. He was, however living on a diet of regular sunflower seeds (like salted in the shell). I don't think that was an all the time thing, but more of a deal where the previous owner knew he was getting rid of him and just didn't wanna buy more food. He said he had had him since he was born. I imagine it was difficult for him to let him go, but I'm thankful he did. :)


We are an animal family... we have 3 dogs: a lab who is outside all the time, a dachshund/basset mix, and a new mini dachshund, we have a few guinea pigs, a hamster, some finches, and we own a horse as well. Our daughter took up riding a few years ago, and luckily we have barn less than 5 miles from the house where she rides, and where we board her pony.


I've wanted a grey forever, and my husband finally caved. It didn't hurt that his "adoption" fee was about $300 less than buying from a breeder. :)


How many birds do you have?

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So sad as that is usually the case in a divorce when a parrot is a part of their life but their loss is your gain and maybe someday they will be able to get another one.


I have two parrots, a grey named Josey and a sun conure named Sunny, they are both a delight to have. I got Sunny first then wanted another larger bird and decided on a grey, she has been an amazing addition to the household, only wish I had gotten her sooner.


I also have 2 dogs, both yellow labs and they are outside dogs and I have an outside cat, I used to have an inside cat but she died last year, she was about 18 years old.


You have quite an assortment of animals and I think most of us here have more than just birds, we are all mostly animal lovers, my grandson has 3 gerbils and my granddaughters have 2 hamsters.

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Welcome Carol and Cookie!!


It's GreYt having you here. :-)


It's always wonderful to hear of someone taking in a mature Grey and giving them a good and loving home.


Looking forward to hearing more from you.

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Welcome to the forum Carol! So glad you could join. Cookie is a beautiful boy, thats such a cute picture! Is he waving in that picture? Did you teach him that? He sounds like such a smart grey and he is so lucky to have found your family, he sounds very happy and content. I look forward to hearing more about you and Cookie. Enjoy the site :)

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Hi Carol it's nice to meet another Carol! lol I think our names are getting more and more rare as the times goes by lol. Welcome to our family here and I am glad that you broke through to your baby and that he is starting to love you as well :)He sounds like a wonderful bird and so smart too, I bet your house will never be the same again. Welcome!!



From Another Carol *grins*

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