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Has anyone else experianced this?


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I have a T-top on my car and everytime I take Adaya with me in the car My car get bombed with wild bird Poop. the other day I was driving home and a bird went out of its way topoop on my windshield I saw the bird sitting on the telephone wires and as I got closer it flew off the wire and right directly over my car and then flew back to the wire again. my car has so much poop on it everytime I take Adaya with me and I couldn't figure out why until the other day when this bird did this. It seems that they see Adaya and somehow have to show there unhappyness about this poor bird trapped in a car.

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No Pat I have never experianced this ,but when my two are in the aviary the wild birds do tend to take an interest,especially one sparrow who adores Cracker and lives in myroof eves,this little bird comes right up to the aviery and stares at Cracker.I have even seen the two of them beak to beak through the wire.I dont encorage it though,incase of disease.

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Tobie goes with me in the car all the time and I've never experienced that. I'm surprised that the birds would even bother to notice that there is a bird in the car. Maybe you should mount a stuffed cat on the T-top. I don't really know what a T-top is.

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Yes I heard that tooo, the day of my graduation when I was happily sitting wearing the cap and gawn waiting for my turn to receive my degree...and a small bird flew over me and pooped on my cap...LOL

Thank God it didnt show in the pictures...


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A T top is a glass roof that is removablw like a convertable but its got two glass panels that come off rather than a cloth top I guess the wild bird can see Adaya through the roof she sits on the head rest and looks out the windows and roof at everthing she really enjoys it but Im always at the car wash after I take her out. that bird the other day must have been saving it up because my windsheild was just coated in poop:sick: :laugh:

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