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I have asked your advise on my african grey being nasty for no apparent reason [to me) had her from 12 wks old handled her every day she did wear a harness, she was brilliant, she was 2, on the 14 May but quite a bit before that she just bites for no reason, I can't get anywhere near her with the harness, I have tried ignoring her bite but she actually brings blood!, yesterday I had her out of the cage and she just flew at me and started biting at my handand then she flies off.

I really have lost all confidence in her and I dread having her out, please could somebody tell me why the change in character and how do I stop it! I am so afraid that I will ruin a good bird.



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In my opinion something has spooked her, something has happened or changed, maybe something you are not even aware of that she is fearful and I would have to say it has something to do with that harness. Can you think back to the last time she had it on, maybe you had a little trouble getting it off or she saw something that she associates with that harness or maybe your hand since she seems to afraid of them too? Do a little more thinking back to thelast time she had it on or used it and tell us about it. We have some knowledgeable members here who may be able to help you with your problem.

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I'm sorry to hear this Mags.


Your Grey obviously has come to hate the harness for one thing and forcing it on her while accepting bites of protest may have made the biting worse. Since you don't mention any other things that may have changed or happened over the last several weeks, I would suspect that is the root of this biting issue.


When a Grey bites multiple times as you describe, that is a full on attack. It seems your hand has become a villain for this moment.


I would stop any harness work, take it completely out of sight and just start gaining her trust again that your not going to put her through that.


I can certainly understand your aversion to letting her out of the cage, but as you know out time is necessary. Since you fully expect she will go for your hand, be prepared before it happens. See if you can let her out of the cage with out allowing a path for her to attack. The thought being that you first need to stop the attack before it has a chance to happen. It will hopefully stop a habit from starting of a bite attack the minute she is let out.


The more information you can provide on this, the better. It is of course very hard to see all the dynamics of the interaction from a written post,but we'll all try our best to give you good ideas on overcoming this biting issue.

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Could it just be a phase she is going through, trying it on to test the boundaries. Our 2 have phases of that and Rangi is going through the biting phase again now. He flies and lands on my hand and places his beak aorund my hand and increases pressure.


I have put it down to it being spring as I find this really affects them the sudden change in light hours and it is quite rapid here. I think he is also hormonal as I catch him doing the mating dance for Kea more often lately. The biting also happens more when he wants something we have, when I take him away from somewhere I don't want him to be, or he gets over excited when playing. I find that he is testing the boundaries. Another thing is that he is molting and has lots of spikes on his tummy, which also might cause his bad attitude.


What I do when I know he is like this is if he wants to land on my hand I have him land on my wrist which is where I can withstand the bite better than the hand. I place him immediately on his perch and tell him no biting. Lately as soon as he bites I also slowly lower him to the gorund and sit him on the ground for a few seconds and then ask him to step up for me again. I tried putting him back in the cage but he would fly off and I was not going to chase him as I know he finds this funny. If he flies and bites and then flies off again I totally ignore him, I don't want to make it fun for him by chasing him.


I think the worst thing you can do is let them know you have lost confidence, she will understand this and do it more. Another thing I do is if I see he is in one of those mooods I train him, just little stuff like to wave just to give him some structure and it also gives me a reason to praise him, which is really important when he is going through a phase. I don't want to constantly be telling him off so I need a reaosn to praise him.

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