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I went to Kenya in November 2006 .It was the most amazing adventure anyone could wish for.Yesterday I was given a large canvas framed picture my nephew Adam had made from a photo taken when he went a year later.Charlie is usually ok about pictures being put up but I guess a large picture of lions drinking at a water hole was too much for him and he was totally freeked out,I had to remove it right away.It is now in a less prominant place in the house where Charlie is ok with it.I am now wondering if greys may have have an in bread fear of lions and african preditors.Charlie is hand reared and never seen any part of his native land,It is so strange though that this is the only time he has ever reacted to a picture on the wall.Is it possable that some wild instinct caused his reaction?<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/05/17 11:27

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The natural instincts they have built in over thousands of years without a doubt kicked in. They will act the came way when they observe a bird of prey flying over and sitting in a tree with in view.


We watch many animal documentaries and when Dayo see's one that preys on birds, his entire body language changes and many times he will cheap like he did when a baby.


The painting sounds wonderful. I would love to see a photo of it if you would be so kind. :-)

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Poor thing probably did freak out when seeing that picture but in time he will come to not pay much attention to it and then you can move it to a more prominent position which is where you wanted it to begin with.


Like Dan I would love to see it if you would share it with us please Shelia:) B)

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