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Games Spock Plays (at 15 wks)


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This morning I was sitting on the couch with Spock on his couch perch (that's another story:laugh: )when I heard Spock growling softly. When I turned to look....No Spock!:ohmy: The couch is about 8" from the front window. I looked down to see Spock laying on his back on the 5" window ledge, feet and beak straight up in the air, playing with the curtain tassels above him!{Feel-good-0002006E} Later that morning, he was on the couch on his back playing and growling while he juggled his stick toy. :evil: It was really funny to see him trying to turn over. He looked like a turtle on its back:laugh: Another thing he likes to do is climb up the curtain (which is like an Indian blanket weave). He then hangs upside down and flogs himself while growling like he is under attack! {Feel-good-0002006E}

Maggie<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/05/17 05:28

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:blink: Well we went out and bought Spock a new "Playstand" a couple of weeks ago week. We read everything on the Forum first, got it to our front door, went in the house, got some vinegar wiped it down,Went in and talked to Spock,told him what we got him, told him why and how it was good for him! Maggie sneaked around, moved things, found a place for it.:whistle: Outside again we started to bring it into the house, crossed our fingers, toe's and everything else we could cross then moved it in, talking all the time to Spock! We wore ju-ju beads, said encantaions, did all we could.

Spock watched... Could have bought a new chair for what that playstand cost, Spock would not go near it, 1 day, 2 days, nothing! he went and perched places he'd never gone before. We bribed him kissed him got him the best treats! nothing...Ok be coolB) He'll come around,1 week gone 2nd week gone, Finaly he would stand on the playstands food bowl and nibble, thats it,nibble.:S We'll keep trying, I'm seeing a Psych now, that's what comes with letting a Cag own you...Jayd{Feel-bad-00020072}

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Hahaha aww what a cutie! Don't worry.. Spock will get use to the playstand soon enough. It just takes time and patience. How big is it? Maybe you should try playing with the playstand in front of Spock and act like your having sooo much fun with it, lol I know sounds silly but members on here have tried it and said it worked. Maybe it will work for you. Good luck ;)

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{Emotions-000200B8}Hope no one ever tapes some of the things we do in the name of Spock!!! Thanks, they would think were fools, laughing playing with bird toys telling Spock "how much fun" or how num-num his food is... "Walking across his playpen perch with our fingers"! Oh ya Doc, about.....Jay

:ohmy:Thanks caitb2007 Your always on..

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sad.png so sorry for Spock's attitude about the new playstand. Perhaps you should have taken him with you to pick it out!!!! :lol: ;)


Be patient, you both should play with the toys on the playstand and ignore Spock. Perhaps that might help and he might get envious and want his playstand back!!!



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