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he's getting soooo big!


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WOW look how big Alex got! Great picture. Does your son ever give Alex up and let you hold him? LOL. It looks like he is attached to him already. I bet you guys are so excited. How old is he now? Will he be completely weaned or you going to hand feed him?

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caitb2007 ..lol!! you cracked me up! I do get to hold him..for two minutes..then I hear "mom, can I have him back now" he is a little hog with him :angry: he is about nine weeks old. The owner feels he will be weaned in a week or two.. he is eating on his own and started to perch..it's an exciting mile stone. we were going to do one hand feeding a day...but I am not really sure if we should... I'll see in two weeks where he is at , but he probably will be fully weaned... hope so!


luvparrots..aw, thanks! we can't wait :)


lovethatgrey.. he is big.. when we went today, my son went right to him and I said..Is that Alex??? each time we see him, he chas changed so much.. I am glad us humans don't age as greys do..lol!!!


Judy.. I can't believe he will finally be home..time has flew, but I know the next two weeks won't..thats good in a way..never in a hurry for the first of the month :laugh:


ann marie

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Yup! He looks like a very big and wide eyed grey! I am so impressed and perplexed by all the advanced babies on this forum. Emma weaned at 23 weeks old and I visited her EVERY single day from the time she was 10 weeks old. Imagine how impatient, tired and exasperated I was.


I wonder why it took her so long.{Feel-good-00020114}

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lovethatgrey.. 23 weeks, everyday? Now that is true love for sure! :) you put so much into her and you will get it back for a life time. She is a beautiful girl!


Linda..you actually got an email from the owner of Alex?? wow!! That is impressive!! I did not name him, my son did...he just liked the name..and if he is a she, the name still works and it's simple. He has not been DNA'd, we are assuming male because he is large. The owner tells my son to pick a different name because there are thousands of greys named Alex...but my son doesn't care, he likes it. I wasn't clear on your greys name..is he an Alex also??


Patricia.. when he was just a few weeks old he was smaller than the others.. he is huge and I really would of preferred if he was smaller... but we love him, he is a sweet baby. I think I will have to have a macaw sized cage ready as a back up..lol! How are your two doing? The TAG is still there..what an incredible bird... I held him/her for a long time yesterday and you can put her on her back, rub her belly..almost anything..I can not believe how sweet her disposition is! The woman who works there told me she was her favorite and she plays with her all time...confirmed she was just a sweet, lovable bird. kills me not to be able to take her home, I get weak when I see her :)


ann marie

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Awww, he looks wonderful. Tell your Mom your brother is not welcome on the next visit. ;-)


It's always wonderful to be able to visit them as they grow, get photos and most importantly start building a relationship with them at such as young age. Most are not able to do that.


Thanks for keeping the updates coming and those wonderful photos. :-)

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Thanks Dan! That was cute... my son is so attached to Alex, he could sleep there..it's a wonderful thing for him... I knew from the beginning it would be this way.. I have to say my son has a natural way with birds..it totally amazes me. Alex is from a bird store..the owner does his own breedings most of the time. He has many different species there and he loves them all. He helps people handle birds when we are there and many of them ask if he works there. The owner told him when he was old enough, he has a job!


This is exactly why I wanted my own bird, one I will not let him near..lol!


ann marie

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