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Partner Update


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Well, Partner has been in my home now for almost 2 weeks, and he is adjusting very well. He has had a few moments where he has got scared and has tried to fly but those are slim and none.


He has taken a fond liking to (besides myself lol) my dad's girlfriend, my friend Jeremy, and a couple other of my guy friends. He doesn't seem to like to many women, but he is up for meeting any guy.


I have a vet appointment set up for May 19th at 3:45 and have a friend accompanying me to his visit. Hopefully that all goes well.


I am going to hopefully have a job at the kennels right behind the vets office soon so I'm going to need to figure out a schedule where I can still spend the optimal amount of time with him but I feel that it will not be difficult because I love my baby.


I also went to the store last night and looked through the organic foods and picked out some stuff that I thought he might like, however, vegetables are definitely not something he enjoys. I'll have to work on it.


Here is a picture I took last night after he got done attacking the toy in the picture, I really liked it and hope you guys do too.




He is being such a sweet bird and I hope that never changes, I am going to begin the training soon and that should open up all sorts of doors for better understanding between us.


Now I'm off to go play with Partner more and working with him to not be afraid of towels anymore lol.


Everyone have a good day,



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What a Greyt update and photo of Partner.


I do hope you get that job and with the commitment you have shown to Partner, I don't think a change in schedule will affect him. They are adaptable, as long as you keep a fairly consistent schedule and give him the up-close interaction he needs each day.


Thanks for sharing all this. :-)

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Partner is adorable from the picture you shared and do not worry about a change in schedule but you should not be spending every waking moment playing with him anyways as he will come to expect it. They need some time to be alone to play and amuse themselves and in the future you will eventually have a full time job that will require you to be gone for at least 8 hours a day so the time to prepare him is now. I know it is nice to be able to spend a lot of time with him now but it could prove to be against you in the long run. He could develop behavior problems or start plucking due to the fact that you will not be spending the time with him you used to do.


Be sure to let us know how the vet visit goes and about the toweling, take it slow and easy, it will take a while to get him used to it, make it fun and try playing hide and seek with it, he may come to accept it easier and more quickly that way.


Try the vegetables in different ways, raw, cooked, sliced, chopped, mashed and so forth, he may just prefer certain ones certain ways but the important thing is to keep offering them.

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Thanks everyone for the replies and compliments :-D


Judy, thank you for giving me that information. Right now my schedule to be with him is very scattered on when I am with him, but most of the times it is more into the night, which I figured is probably better for him and myself.


I have made a little bit of progress with the toweling, but not enough to help a whole lot come Tuesday. He will stand on towels (which he never would even come close to one), and I can even hold them up but he gets a bit uneasy about it but he tolerates it and doesn't react anything like the old way.


I should probably get his nails trimmed too. They actually hurt worse than his beak! Out of the few times he has actually gotten me good with his beak it does not compare to what those nails are doing now!

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Okay, So, went to the vet today for a general check up and DNA sexing. The sexing should be in within the next two weeks, they will call with the results.


She also trimmed his nails (I'm not quite sure I like them yet because he seems to be a bit clumsier) She said everything else is fine, except that he has malnutrition. Malnutrition?!?! I can see where that could happen, the store had him on a strictly seed based diet, which I know isn't 100% good and I have no clue about the previous owner who caged Partner with a Blue Front Amazon (which in itself shouldn't be done).


I am working on it like I told the vet, I give him fresh veggies (a little fruit mixed in) daily and have tried to get him to eat more fresh instead of just the seed. It'll just take some time. Also going to try adding in pellets to the diet soon.


She for the most part was nice, except she was rather snooty about things like I was stupid and didn't know a damn thing about anything, and she started naming off books to better "prepare" me for Partner. I was just nice and listened :-D


She also weighed him. He weighs 303 grams. Which when she said that I thought that was porky, and she thought so too.


I'll be taking him in on a later date to get a few tests run to ensure he is in good health.


Now I just have to keep him happy and work on his diet more and he should be great.



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It's good to hear the vet visit went fairly well.


Did the vet say specifically "What" deficiency your Grey had in terms of nutrition? Did she draw blood to come to that conclusion?


It's' greyt to hear you are working on the diet by provides good varied foods like veggies, fruits etc.


Thanks for the update. :-)

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She didn't draw blood to come to the conclusion, when she was looking at the roof of his mouth, she said that there wasn't enough of something that connects to the nostrils (can't remember specific wording she used) ***insert word here that I can't remember*** and that is a sign on malnutrition.


I also forgot to mention when she came back into the room from drawing blood for the DNA sexing, there was a small scratch under his eye and said that he must have done it while he was rubbing his face on the tall... I call b/s on that personally.

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Do you have any rough surface perches in his cage? I have some cement perches in Josey's cage, they help to keep the talons filed down somewhat but they need them to be fairly sharp to climb and you noticed the clumbiness after the clipping.


This vet sounds like she needs to improve her bedside manner and if you suspect she may have caused that scratch on Partner's face and didn't mention it then it may be time to find another vet, my opinion of course.

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I had a sand perch in his cage, but he would always avoid it regardless of where I put it. He would go out of his way to avoid using it.


I will most likely look for another vet, but besides being rude and the little b/s lie about the scratch, she definitely looked like she knew what she was doing with everything.


I will just have to call around and talk to people to find a better one and more or less interview them to see if they are up to standards.

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Partner is adorable! I want to birdnap him. I'd look for a vet you like a tad better. If there's one out there that doesn't treat you like an idiot, I'd go for it. Sometimes those with lousy perchside manner might be the best around as far as knowledge and you have to deal but if you don't, don't.

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