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I am not terribly new to the forum, I have been here for about a year. When I origianlly joined we were in the process of researching and looking for a breeder in our area. We did find one but were unable to get a Grey then. However as of yesterday I talked with a lady that weans TAG's and she has one out of clutch of three that needs adopting so we are it. They will start weaning this weekend and depending on how they progress through the weaning process we should be able to pick baby up at the end of August. We are soooooooooooo excited about finally being able to partake of the fun, joy, and work of being owned by a Grey. I want to thank ALL of you who have posted threads of every feasible topic because over the past two years I have been able to read and enjoy the information from you who have been there. I feel confident in the knowledge and wisdom that you all have to impart will make this new experience in our life maybe a little less hair raising. We will have to see. I don't know how I am going to handle it I am NOT a patient person AT ALL these next several months are going to be torture. Can't wait...

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Hello Medic3709 and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this new grey you are getting.


One thing is for sure you are about to embark on a wonderful experience, perhaps a new one to you since you don't say you have had any birds before. But a grey is unlike a lot of birds, they do require a lot of attention but they are such awesome creatures that will enrich your life in many ways.


So glad to hear you have already been reading thru our many threads as we do have just about every subject covered and most of it is from actual experience from our members so you can rely on it being the truth. You will be fully prepared for the day your new baby comes home.


We encourage you to ask any questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We love pictures here so if you get any of your new baby please share them with us so we can ohh and awww over them.

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Well actually I have had birds before. I had a cockatiel that now resides with some family, several years ago we did quite a lot of moving and decided it was better to leave him in a stable enviroment. I currently have a lovebird and a parakeet, by no means the caliber of a Grey but I just recently lost a Quaker parrot who was a very lively bird with a lot of personality. Luvparrots we live about 4 hours from the birds but we do plan on making at least one trip when they are old enough to observe their personalities and make a descision on which one picks us. I love pictures too so I plan on getting as many as I can and will be sharing.

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