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update on pepsi


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well after weeks of work with pepsi i can now stroke her pick her up she lifts her wings and likes getting stroked under them, she swings her head round and round which scares me abit cause it looks like its not attached some times lol but one thing still puzzles me with her is all that stops when people are in and she goes back to being very aggresive and biting unless its my mam or sister then she is all over them and still bites me she is not scared i dont think cause she will purposely go out of her way to bite curtain people that come in its as if she enjoys hunting them like my dad she will fly land on him walk up and go for his face, if he walks pasted the cage she will run at him and strike and she is fast reminds me of a snake when she strikes. not sure why she is like that is it that she doesnt like people in my house and blames me hence she bites me or is it something else. has anyone one else got this problem?

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Talon will do the same thing to one of my kids. She will attack him if given the opportunity. I think she thinks it's a game. He is the sweetest of my three boys, and never done anything to her to provoke her behavior towards him.

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Richard strikes at everyone in our family except me. Problem is, hubby and the two kids are at work all day, so they don't see him much. I try to encourage them to try to pet him every chance they can get, but it's not very often.


In Richard's case, I think he gets jealous because he has me all day and then when they get home, they get my attention and Richard has to share. So, I don't think he strikes out because he's mad at them, he's jealous that they are the reason he doesn't get my attention at night.


Usually when I'm on the computer, he waits for me to reach for the mouse and climbs up my arm to my shoulder and starts pulling my hair and biting my ears. I think this is another example of jealousy-driven aggression. He's not doing it right now, but about 15 minutes ago he climbed on my lap and I began snuggling with him without even realizing it. He loves being petted and loves snuggling. If he doesn't get it when he wants it, he gets mad.

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Guest briansmum

Brian has started doing this with my other half, if steve goes up to him to talk or pet him he will strike out to bite or fly at him, nip him and fly off. i also think it is a jelousy thing, he see's steve as competition for my affection. i have instructed steve on what to do, and made him take over some of the food giving and let him open the cage for brian to come out i hope in time brian will start to see steve as more or less an equal to me, someone who loves him and cares for him rather than somone who must be battled for my affection.

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Guest Monique

I've never had this problem but I do not think it is uncommon for them to bite you in the instances you are describing. I would work towards minimizing the times when she wants to bite as much as possible and when she is out of the cage and your dad's over you'll have to be sure you are around to intercept if she starts to go for him. That may be something to try and start with. I know they can fly so fast and get moving it can be difficult so try prevention as often as possible, too.


I am very glad you are seeing improvement!!

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Now I have had that problem with my sun conure, she has bitten my granddaughter on the lip. Sunny was on my shoulder and I turned my head around to give her a kiss when my granddaughter came over to get a kiss from her also. Sunny leaned out and bit her upper lip, didn't break the skin but scared me to death, I did not want her hurt or for it to leave a scar. She has been to the house since and if Sunny is on my shoulder she will lean out to get my granddaughter if she gets close enough, she lunges at her. I don't think she has done anything to her to make her dislike her that I know of, I guess she is jealous of her getting too close to me. I have to be careful from now on when she is here and I have Sunny out on my shoulder. Sunny is not that way with my grandson so go figure.

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Well, Talon has been known to bite on occasion. I really have to watch her body language. Sometimes I'm so busy, I forget she's on my shoulder, she bit me near the corner of my eye last night!! {Feel-bad-00020080}

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That is the exact reason some people say you should not allow them on your shoulder, but until something happens to change that I allow Josey on mine. Sorry about the bite but it was not her being mean to you it was because of something else.

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  • 5 months later...

quick update am very pleased im now down to about 1 maybe 2 bites aday. she was swinging upside down on hers bars today i put my hand on her back and she just let go of the bars and was lying on my hand like a baby she has desided that people need to be shouted at when they sit on the furniture i think she has desided that they are like dogs and she shouts GET DOWN NOW followed ussually by THATS IT STOPPIT or close the door, but i think im finally there 500 bites later and a lot of plasters lol the little terror likes me:P

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Klaus loves people to be around. But not everyone can touch him. He doesn't attack unprovoked, but will let others know that they shouldn't be touching.

He is at his happiest when more people are around and that's when he's most likely to play independently.

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Gosh Deedee, you have had a time with Pepsi haven't you, and now you only get maybe 1 or 2 bites a day. Thats still too many but certainly less than what you were getting, yes I would say he likes you now.:laugh:


Josey doesn't attack anyone but she definitely prefers me over my hubby, she tolerates him and more so lately than she did when I first brought her home.

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