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Hi! My name is Nancy. I live in Texas. My Timneh just hatched! I have been reading several forums in preparation but by far this site is the best! I won't get my baby until mid-September. Seems like a long time but I know it will pass fast. This is my first parrot. It has taken many years to reach this point....getting a parrot of my own....and I am ready. I will spend the summer getting ready for Bailey and will have lots of questions. Thanks for so much good info!

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Ah, welcome Nancy. You will find all the answers you need on here and if you don't there are so many knowledgeable members who will be able to help you. Getting your own grey for the first time is a really exciting time and it seems you have plenty of time to get prepared for it. The time will go quite quickly and your baby will be with you before you know it. BTW You are quite right, this is by far the best AG forum.

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Hi Nancy, welcome to the forum. Can't wait to hear more about your new baby and see some pictures when you get some. I highly recommend the book "For the Love of Greys" by Bobbi Brinker for any new grey owner. When you think of some questions just let us know!

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Hello Nancy and welcome to our family, we are so happy you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your new baby Tag.


Congrats on your baby grey hatching and then you will have to wait until mid September which sounds like a long time away but its not, it will pass fairly quickly.


In the meantime while you are waiting please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask questions and we will help you in any way we can.

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Thanks! Yes, I live close enough to visit. I went this morning and got a peek but that mama was not going to let me see anything. She has 3 babies and she was not having anybody see them. I can start visiting my baby at 6 weeks. The baby will be DNA sexed, completely weaned before coming home.

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Nancy that's great you can visit your baby. Can't wait until you can take some pictures to share with us!!! Have you picked out a cage and started gathering parrot goodies yet? That was great fun when I did it for my grey and made the time go a little faster.

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Timnehs are wonderful parrots. They love spending time with their owner mine is a complete jabber jaw and very cuddly. not only does he love his chin rubbed like a cat but loves beak rubbing and petting too. i do recommend when hes old enough to come home you get a parrot necklace to keep him from chewing on your shirt

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Welcome Nancy!!


It's GreYt having you here. :-)


It's wonderful to see you getting ready well in advance for the arrival of your new much awaited Timneh.


Looking forward to hearing more from you as this progresses.

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Parrot necklace?? I have no idea what that is! The minute I can go put my hands on Bailey, I will get pics! I have been on many websites for 'toys'. I found a wonderful wood company selling wood pieces with holes for bird toys and selling craft sticks....all very cheap. I have a cage ordered...play top type. I am in the process of making my house bird proof. I have dogs/cats (so does the breeder) and a tiel(Bert), I already use non chemical cleaners(allergies). Tell me some other things I need to start doing......

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Welcome to the family come on in and pull up a perch. Your going to love this forum its very addicting and very helpful to new Grey owners you can't find a better forum anywere on the web. There are so many very knowlegeable people to answer any question you may have. Please post some pics when you get some we love to see pictures of everyones beautiful birds.

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