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Alfie is 1Year old tomorrow


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Hi Everyone just thought I would let you know how Alfie is getting on. He is saying hello albeit in a voice we have not heard before. We think it may be a mix of mine and my wife's voice as we spend equal amounts of time with him. He is one year old tomorrow according to his hatch certificate. We love him loads and would not be parted from him. He is a bundle of fun:woohoo: and is always out and about exploring his surroundings. He can also be a bit of a :evil: but we love him more for it;)



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Steve, its so good to hear from you:)


Happy hatchday to Alfie:kiss:


My youngest Jasper was a year old yesterday as well, I didnt realise they were the same age.


Hope you are all well, best wishes to all the family:)

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Happy hatchday Alfie tell mom you want a nice big peice of carrot cake made with honey instead of sugar and don't forget the nuts and raisens:laugh: or a nice banana muffin with walnuts will do nicely also. Have a very special day Alfie and many many more.

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