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I just need to vent


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So my former manager at my job is really getting to me...she's a big time bird-watcher, and loves birds of all kinds. Ever since the first time I told her that we were getting a CAG, she has been SUCH a Negative Nancy about it!!!! Always the skeptic, telling me that it's too much work for us to handle, that we'll want to throw in the towel eventually, and that Chimay is going to be a huge handful of behavior problems. UGH!!! We're at work, and I'm trying to stay professional and just not let it get to me, but WHY would a person make those kind of assumptions? She knows nothing about me...just feels a little like an insult. Like she's judging my abilities as a parrot parent :angry:


Fortunately she isn't my manager anymore, and she doesn't work in this department so I don't have to see her all of the time.


I know her opinion shouldn't matter, and it doesn't...but hearing it all of the time from the same person just gets under my skin.


Okay I'm done!! :laugh: I feel better....Thanks to all who read/listened!

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Ah don't let her get to you. You need to prove people like that they are wrong. I used to work with two females who thought they knew it all and I just KNEW that they thought I wouldn't succeed at my new venture so I went out and proved them wrong! They gave me the incentive I needed to make a go of it. :woohoo:

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I would talk to her if it really bothers you and tell her that you have no intentions of throwing in the towel or giving up on your baby and ask her why she thinks this. Mabie she doesn't have what it takes to be a Parront and so she thinks nobody else does either. mabie she had a bird and couldn't handle it and gave it away and feels guilty about it. Thats what it sounds like to me anyway she sounds like she is very jealous of you.

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I remember when I first saw Ben and she chose me as her new daddy.

I was looking at some toys, and my wife said that this bloke said to her, HA! that parrot will look great when it is bald in a few months :huh:

That was 4 years ago this month as you can see She is covered in beautifull plummage.

Moral, jealousy is a very bad quality. :evil:

Bernie ;)

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Oh my, I think most of us for some odd reason or another have had someone say something to try and spoil the joy in our lives and bring us down. (to their level in this case)

but, you must remember that you know who you are and you know that you are a wonderful mama to your fid.


Don't ever let anyone take away from your happiness or try and get you to rethink your decision to become a parront for life.

Its her problem as she is the one who is just jealous, and somehow seems to know what its like to have one???

maybe she didnt measure up,

I agree with Tycos_mom.

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