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Am I doing the right thing?


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Some of you might have read my post on the CAG I found?

Well I fell in love with him I tried not to, but you guys know how difficult it is to not attach to them I really tried not to handle him ofen ect. but I knew he needed love and attention so I love him just as much as Boesman :) I did the went to the surrounding homes, flyers,poster,scanning newspapers,petshops, placing add in newspaper.. everything around here nothing came of it as I quess I am a bit dissapionted that everyone is more concerned about inflation,food prices,bonds, ect. around here I would tell my friends about him in thinking they would help 2 seconds and the topic changes to how hard life is bla,bla,bla I know life is hard and I also know he didn't ask to get lost or to be neglected ....Let me get to the piont: I'ts been nearly 6 weeks his a part of the family now anything might still happen who knows I feel quilty because maybe someone is heartbroken about him and I feel blessed to have him in my life my motto in life is Everything happens for a reason!!! I love him and intend of keeping him if he is not searched for!!!

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I would keep him too! If his previous owner doesnt come looking for him. I think you are doing to the right thing, You are giving a great home to a lost baby, Where would he be if it wasnt for you taking him in!


Heck, I have dreams that I find parrots, hahaha

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Hi Natasha, you sound like a wonderful person and I am also a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. Can it really be pure coincidence that this baby has fallen into your capable hands for it's care. It seems to me that you've done all you can to try locating the owners. Enjoy your baby and be safe in the knowledge that you have tried your best and failed to find a home for it and consider it yours.

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I agree totally you have done your job at trying to find his owner you even put it on this forum. If someone hasn't come looking for him after all this time ithink you can saftly say their probubly not going too. Enjoy your new Grey and congradulations. what are you going to name him.

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Awe. You know what? I am the SAME way... I know that everything happens for a reason.

You were chosen to be this birdies mama, unless the previous owner somehow ends up going on a serious hunt and does end up finding you and the grey after all.

( I personally dont think the owner cares enough or you would not have found him in your yard in the first place )

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I believe you did more than the previous owners, otherwise you would have found flyers, newspaper lost section or neighbors etc. that would have said "Hey that must be the Grey that just went missing X number of days ago".


At his point, I'm with the others, keep the Grey, He's yours. The owners in my opinion abandoned him or did not try very hard to find him.


Karma to you for being so vigilant at "Doing the right Thing" and now opening your home to a lost Grey in need of a loving person and family such as you. :-)

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