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My daughter got a birdie!

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Well, recently my daughter got a Tag and named him Murphy. He is a handful of four and a half month old activity. Plus, he makes all these baby duck noises that I was not expecting him to do. Very cute. I am currently trying to teach him how to cluck.

Oh by the way, My name is Kimberly and I go by Doe online. My daughter is JasperK.


Pic is of my daughter, JasperK and her Tag Murphy.

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Hello Kimberly and welcome to our family, we are so glad you have decided to join us and we look forward to hearing more about you.


Does this mean you may get your own grey or does just being around your daughter's grey provide you with enough of a greyt experience?


Do you have any birds of your own? They are addictive and a lot of us have more than just our grey, some of us have more than one grey.


Do read thru the threads for lots of information that may be of help with dealing with Murphy and ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

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Hello Kimberly and welcome to the forum! I am so glad you decided to join. I have been following your daughters search for a forever companion and am so happy she found the perfect one and finally brought Murphy home. I bet you guys are having so much fun with the your little guy. Isn't he such a joy? :) I look forward to hearing more about you and Murphy as he learns new things. Enjoy the site ;)

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