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Just a quick thumbs up for Aloe Juice


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I read on this forum that many people reccomended Aloe Juice for thier birds feathers and skin. Well, I was a skeptic but decided what the heck, it's only $10 so I picked some up at Walmart a couple weekends ago. Last saturday I gave Sam a misting with a spray bottle. I can't say he was happy about it, but it was time for a bath anyway so I used the Aloe Juice. I just sprayed him with a few ounces until his feathers were wet and I must say, I'm sold on the stuff. I've noticed during scratch/lap time his feathers have a silky smoothness to them that they didn't have before. I don't know if it was just getting the dust off his tail, or it it was the juice, but the red coloring of the tail feathers is now very vivid red.


I just wanted to offer my thumb up on this product and I thank you guys for telling me about it.



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There's only one brand at Walmart









It's in the phatrmacy section. Probably where laxatives and digestive products are sold


More than likely, Tom paid an extra dollar because he had the female clerk carry it all the way up to the cash register.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/05/15 03:39

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I used it straight out of the bottle. Its the consistancy of water and has very little odor. It didn't roll off Sam's feathers like water does. It wet them down nicely.


I thought it would be thick and didn't realize it it was made to drink. Once I read the label I could see why people said it was safe for thier birds.


Because Sam get scratching time every evening I could tell right away his feathers felt softer and his neck feathers had a velvety feel to them.


I can't remember which part of the pharmacy section I found it in. I just went up and down the isles until I found it. You can't miss it - not to many things sold in gallon jugs in that area.


Dave - I don't think the extra cost was for her to carry it to the checkout. I think it had more to do with my saying it wasn't for me, it was for my bird. When she got to the checker area she was twirling her finger in circles at the side of her head and rolling her eyes. I think it was the $1 kookie kustomer charge. :silly:



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I just purchased the Aloe Juice for Chimay this past weekend...before going in I logged onto Walmart's site and searched for the item and was able to get the UPC code (just in case I needed help in the store). I just walked up to the pharmacist window and asked about it, they directed me to it with no problem.

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{Communicate-00020110}Thumbs wayyy up for the Aloe Vera Juice too, Thanks Dave! It was ONLY 7 bucks from our Walmart out here in Ma. Ahjari Loved his Bath and Ahmani flew as fast as she could on her Boing by the window lol. There feathers are really soft and have a purple sheen to them too..

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I have always sprayed Ana Grey from day one (thanks to Dr. Flock) she is always soft and shiny. I have also been spraying Sully (Solomon, my rescued Eclectus) from the day I brought him home and ~fingers crossed~ he has not plucked yet (thanks again Dr. Flock)!

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