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Hello...just found this forum..looks a great informative and helpful place. I am getting my african grey baby on the 2nd June and think she is a female...will be calling her Lottie. Hope you dont mind any questions that I will have over the coming time. Nice to be here :P

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Just wanted to say Thanks for the welcome...just spent 2 1/2 hours just looking around...this is an excellent forum the toy section is fantastic. I can see I will be learning a lot from here...great job to the admins{Feel-good-000200BB}

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Hello Shazzmac and welcome to our family, its great that you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this new grey.


Is this going to be your first grey? Do you have any other birds? Are you getting your grey from someone local to you or is it being shipped to you? Have you seen your baby yet?


I am pleased that you have already been looking and reading thru the many threads here on this forum, yes we have amassed a lot of good information and have covered pretty much every topic there is. We have many knowledgeable members who are willing to help one another with any problems others are having and we welcome any questions you may have.


June 2 will be here shortly and when you get that baby home if you would share some pictures with us as we would love to see her.

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Hiya Judygram....yes this is my first grey. In Oz we has birds, horses and dogs.the occasional kangaroon and koala too.

I had rainbow lorries, ringnecks, conures black and white cockies, king parrots and 2 tawny frog mouths. so have had a bit of experience, but as I have been told, there is nothing to compare with a grey, I am very excited about getting my bird...went to look at her about 4 weeks ago and put a deposit on her, we then won 5 numbers on the lotto...hence the name Lottie

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Hi,you have had experience with a huge veriaty of birds and animals.Congratulations on venturing into the world of greys.Great name for your little girl.Sounds like she has already brought you luck.Keep us up to date on her progress.

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