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Clyde is now Bonnie :-)


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Ok, it's official. Her name has been changed to Bonnie. It suits her perfectly, I think. ;)


I also just got the final test result from the vet - she is negative for PBFD! Major relief. Now I just need to clear her psittacosis and she'll be good to go.


Injections start Saturday morning. Does anyone have experience with their grey getting any kind of injections? I'm not sure what to expect. Is it very painful for them? Will she be sore afterward? I will ask the vet these questions also when I'm there, but I would love to hear some feedback from others who have gone through something similar.




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Dawn, I cant help you about the injections but I just wanted to say, what a great name choice. I love It!!!!!

One of my fave films as well;)


Great news on the negative test result for PBFD.

Let us know when the other result comes back in wont you?:)

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So Clyde became Bonnie, nope she won't be an outlaw, she is too sweet for that right dawn?


I don't know about the injections but maybe someone who has a grey that has had them will share what they know about them.


Congrats on the negative test.

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Wellll... her sweetness occasionally disappears when she isn't getting her way! :P


For instance, last night when she didn't want to step up, she chomped down instead. Hopefully it won't be a permanent part of her personality though!


Funny, last night I gave her some raw carrot chunks. You should have seen the suspicious glare she gave me... like this: :angry:


Of course, then she decided to take a bite. Her eyes starting pinning in excitement and she proceeded to wolf down the rest of them in a not-very-ladylike manner. :laugh:


I was pretty happy, to say the least! The more I can entice her to eat some healthy stuff, the more it will help her recover and beat this disease. :)



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