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Please help. In the past few weeks my grey has started a loud screaming or squaking not sure what you would call it. It is so loud that it hurts my ears badly. I was told greys were quiet except for sun up and sun down. Orcourse I am learing that most of what i have been told is not true.

Is this a normal grey behavior


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This is true have you put anything new in his cage or around his cage or are you doing anything differnt than before Greys are very leary of new things and he may be afraid. or he may be just screaming for attention if you are giving him any kind of attention good or bad when he screams you may be reenforceing the behaviour you have to totaly ignore him when he screams and then when he is quiet imediatly give him praise and a treat and tell him what a good boy he is for being nice and Quiet. You may have to buy some earplugs until you can get him sorted out but the only way to break this is to ignore the bad and reenforce the good.it may take a couple weeks but it should work/ if its a contact call try something that you can live with like a little song or a whistle.

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I totally agree with Tycos Mom & JungleDreamz that a sudden change in surroundings might evoke such unpleasant behaviour, but i would also say that greys in general are talkative and expressive and it doesnt have to be only morning and eveneing. Mine is talkative and he might scream and whistle and talk for hours non stop and that is his nature and hes happy and this is the way they communicate with us and express themselves.

I would ask how long have you had him? Is this behaviour new or has he been like this? Do you spend enough time with him? Knowing this might help understanding his behaviour in an attempt to change it


Good Luck


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No there have not been any changes. And he is not alone either. I am always in the living room and thats where he is. He especially will scream everytime I get up to go to the kitchen or bathroom or to go get the mail.

I am at my witts end here. I cant take the screaming and loud screaching....its ear piercing

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Like I said to before there have been no changes in the house at all. We have had him since right before christmas. I have him out of his cage as much as i can. But rico and my saint bernard dont get along so rico cant stay out all day like i think he wants to. I have been told that it is not good to let them out all day anyways.

He screams just to scream I think. my family wont even come over anymore because of the ear piercing screaming and squaking. WHomever says that greys are quiet is so so so wrong....

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Greys can make a lot of noise, some are different to others.


Mine have certain times of the day when they can make a lot of noise, at the moment I am sat here and you wouldnt know I have three greys in the room.


How much time out of the cage does he have, mine do make a lot more noise when they are in their cages.


The other members have offered some good advice:)


Are you still looking for a new home for your baby or have you decided to keep him now?

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Were really not sure what were going to do. Saddly we were really misled before buying him. I am not sure that he is going to fit into our lifestyle. I have him out of his cage for between 1 to 2 hours a day, all depending on what I have going on. I have been told that 1 to 2 hours daily should be more than enough for him to be happy. I keep a variety of toys in his cage and switch them out from time to time. I have done everything that I canthink of to make him happy.


We have kept the ad up just incase someone is interested and is able to pay what we would be asking for him if we decide to sell him.

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Think long and hard before you make any decision.


Greys can be quite a demanding pet to keep. Sometimes people are not aware of the time thats needed to look after them or wether they will suit their life style.


I posted a thread the other day about how much time a day it takes to look after them, I dont know if you read it or not.




Back to the noise though, hopefully its just a phase, like others have said, ignore the screaming if you can, spend as much time playing and talking to your baby when you can. I also find that the greys react more when the television or music is on in the house, see if it makes a difference when you turn the volume down.


I hope things will work out for you and your baby, anytime you need to talk you know where we are:)

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Well it seems from what i am reading in your thread that rico is not getting out of his cage enough for him. Saddly i cant give him anymore time out of his cage than he already gets. And if this is not enough time and he continues to scream i will only have two choices. One being rehome him. two being to put him outside during the day and let him scream out there.

There is not much else that i can do.

I did a lot of research before buying him but I will honestly say that even after reading the book and talking with people and reading up on them online that NONE of that prepares you for a african grey.

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I have 2 of them and I would never even now they where around mine are extreamly quiet yes they talk and talk but they don't scream ever. Mow my Amazon and my Macaw are a different story. My birds are out all day long and mabie thats why Greys cannotbe kept locked up how woul you like an hour a day out of your cell its like being in jail. if you can not provide the proper care and attention your grey needs then he should be rehomed while he is still young please screan all potencial owner very well so he won't get bounced from home to home.

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Well All birds are differant, And it sounds like he just isnt happy with something, If you figure out what makes them happy then, Everything you read does a pretty good job preparing you, I know everything I read prepared me for my Grey really well, And espeacially everyone here on the forum have givin me great advice. But that is just my opinion. I think Greys are wonderful birds. Sounds like you just got a bad taste in your mouth about them cuz yours screams. But it isnt the birds fault. Just something you are doing wrong, Even tho you feel you are doing everything right, I mean we all know you are not doing anything like really bad to him, But they are just VERY sensitive, it could be the smallest thing that can freak them out. This is all just from what I have read though, Not from experiance, My baby is just 9 and a half weeks old, and everything I have read has been very accurate this far. I have even read that they can START to dislike something that didnt bother them before...You just have to keep working with him.


And I agree with tycos mom, He should be out more than an hour, Thats actually not just like being in jail but in jail in lockdown! Thank goodness my baby (my dog) gets along GREAT with the all my birds, so I just leave the birds cages open all day till night night time :) I dont do this for my grey yet just cuz he is so young and cant fly yet, but he will be the same way when he gets old enough. And you cant help it the dog and bird dont get along, At least you dont leave him out anyway, then that would be a worse situation! haha, So I agree he should just be found a good new home where being out of the cage isnt an issue.<br><br>Post edited by: JungleDreamz, at: 2009/05/14 22:40

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You say that you're sure there has been no change in things? Okay then, do things in reverse. Make some changes. Move the cage around. Don't keep moving his toys around.

It's only been a few weeks? It's probably a temporary thing that he has to get out of his system.


Does she yell in or out of the cage?<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/05/14 23:03

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Well now I feel like I am being beat up about this. It is NOT my fauly that rico is not happy here. He yells no matter what I do. I cant move his cage elsewhere unless I put him in his own bedroom. WHich i have been told was a bad thing to. I think anyone whom had a bird that screamed no matter what you do would get a bad taste in their mouth. I am only human. I think it would be best to get him into another home. But I will not and can not afford to give him away. I paid 1000.00 just for him, thats not including his cage and everything else I have bought for him.

Sounds like I have gotten the unlucky straw with rico since no one elses greys on here give any trouble.


To the people whom have just got their greys and are very pleased with them....I was pleased with rico at first too. They are very sweet and calm till they get comfortable with you and your household. Then if you whole life does not revolve around them (which i dont know how anyones life could revolve around a bird)they change and let me tell you....its not a good change.

When friends and family stop coming over because your bird is screaming for no reason even though he is out of his cage you know you have a problem on your hands.


Evidentally I am not cut out to have a animal that is going to rule my life. I wish all the luck in the world to those whom are.

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I hope you are not implying my post was "beating up on you" I do believe I said it wasnt your fault your dog and bird dont get along, and I also said, We know you are not treating him terribly, they are just very sensitive....And Yes you do have a bad taste in your mouth, Which is understandable, but NOT for ALL African Greys in general...I am sorry I just feel that is wrong. Not all of them are like yours...Which like I said I am sure there is even a reason for.


And no one said (as far as I know) that you should just give him away. And all we are doing is agreeing with you that yes, you should find him a new home.


AND I DID have a bird the screamed non stop all the time, He was a queen of Bavaria conure, Who was not raised right, The woman never gave him attention, So he learned to scream for it, So when he was rehomed to me, no matter what, he would scream, He had done it for 7 years, cuz he was getting no attention. I knew he needed to be somewhere where he could scream and it wouldnt matter, So I rehomed him to an Aviary where he is now there personal private pet, and doing very well because he hears thousands of birds all day long making just as much noise as he is, And I keep tabs on him, and he is doing wonderful. SO my point here is I would never go as far as to say that all of his kind are that way, or that all of them change into a bad change...I think that is just wrong...


I am just sticking up for African Greys here...If you feel you have a "bad taste in your mouth" for ALL african greys, then I can tell you one thing, HERE is not the place to express that opinion. And I am not even going to go into the whole bird ruling your life thing...


I dunno, I didnt think anyone was beating you up...I do agree you are doing the right thing, I know it is hard to give up a pet.Sorry if it came off that way, I just feel strongly about labeling a certain animal or species just because one or some have a problem...

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Hi birdlover, I'm so sorry you and your grey are not getting along. I have a rescued Eclectus who is a screamer. I started to sing to him, just a silly song, "Good Morning to You" or "You are my Sunshine". When he hears my singing he stops screaming. I believe he just wants to know where I am. My baby grey use to anxiously call after me, when I left the room. I now tell both my birds "I'll be back" and they now wait quietly for my return. If I take too long, they call again and I tell them I'll be right there and they seem content. They just need to know where their flock is I believe. Greys are sensitive birds so if you are anxious your grey will pick up on it. Perhaps if you are disenchanted by what you expected from your grey you should re-home him. If you can though, please give him a chance they are wonderful friends. Good luck birdlover!

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Easy there birdlover, nobody meant to beat up on you. I think we can all identify with your frustrations. I adore my grey, but she can be a big handful sometimes - even a huge brat.

You did the right thing in coming to this forum. I would advise you not to give up on Rico just yet. Sift through some the previous posts on various topics. There's lots of helpful information here. More so than in any of the books written on Greys.

Good Luck!

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There is no shame in deciding a grey is not for you. If you, for whatever reason, are not able to give the bird the time and input it needs, that's ok. It doesn't make you a bad person. I read you have a dog. Same thing if you ask me. Some people can't have dogs because of special needs for exercise, allergy reason or simply there is no room for a dog. And if your lifestyle does not allow you to have a grey, then that's the reality and that's what you need to work with.


If you do decide a grey isn't for you, then the fairest and kindest thing to all parties (human and animal)is to find the bird a home that CAN meet the demands of a grey. It will stop you from worry and guilt, and you won't be driven up the wall by the screaming. Putting the bird outside all day is not the best option I think. You will still be able to hear him, as will the neighbours, and the bird probably won't be happy at being left alone. Also, what would you do if it the weather turned cold? These birds live for a very long time, and may start to display other behaviours such as feather plucking if he's not happy. Greys need their flocks (you and your family in this case).


As suggested, if you do look at rehoming your bird, please make sure he doesn't get bounced around from home to home. It's not good for the bird.


And if worse comes to worst, cut your losses and give him to a rescue. At least you know he'll be looked after there so you won't have to worry or feel guilty. As for the cage and accessories, you can always sell those separately. In my opinion though, for the sake of your health and that of the bird, please act soon.

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There are lots of people that are not cut out to be bird owners thats why the rescues are full. then there are people like me and others on this site that have the patients and love to work through all the special need that may crop up with owning a parrot. that why there are forums like this so that parrot owners can get the help they need nobody ever said it was easy but the joy the bring can be awesome. I'm afraid my life pretty much does revolve around my birds and I'm sure I;m not the only person that feels this way about them the are trully like my children and I worry about them I don't like to be away from them for long and if people don't want to come to my house because my birds make to much noise that their problem. do not take this the wrong way but its quite obvious to me that you do not have what it takes to be a bird owner and really should find the bird a new home.

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Birdlover I just want to address the statement that everyone on this forum doesn't seem to have any problems with their bird.


Not true. ;) I do not have a perfect grey. But, I got him about two weeks ago so we are working through it.


Mine was a SCREECHER towards his former human's fiance. For some reason Sydney just didn't like him. And then he started screeching at her. So she decided to rehome him. I did all the research, and felt I was prepared to take him on. I still think I can do it, but it is frustrating.

I will tell you that what your bird is doing is probably learned behavior at this point and it is SO HARD to break. Takes so much patience. I don't really go near sydney to do anything that will invoke his screech. Im trying to get him to forget that he even knows how to do it. Might take me months. And I don't think he's a "sweet" grey by nature. I adore him, and he's highly entertaining and I do think one day he'll be a wonderful companion. Since I'll have him for 50+ years I darn well hope so!!! :blink:


I just want to say that no one is beating up on you, but if you truly feel that you can't make the necessary steps to help Rico get through it, then obviously the best choice for your sanity and his health is to find him a new home. Some rescues make give you a tax deduction if it is a 501©. That may or may not be helpful to you. Not all people could have a bird like this. I have about one day a week that I'm gone most of the day, and I have noticed a HUGE difference in the way Sydney acts on those days. I'm gone most of the day, and when I get home and let him out he's very noisy in his play. Those days he is only out of his cage about 2 hours.

Days like today I got home at 12 and let him out for the 2 hours till I leave again. Then I'll be home again later this afternoon/early evening for him to come out and play for awhile before bed. He is much less noisy in his play right now. Quietly chattering to himself. Last night I could barely hear Gray's anatomy over his "attacking" his toys.


I would just say do what is right for you... In the end that is what will be right for the bird too. If you aren't happy, he won't be happy.

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Maybe I missed something, but I think you said Rico screams when you leave the room to go get the mail or to go cook or whatever. Rico is upset because you are leaving. Have you tried talking to Rico before you leave the room and telling him you'll be right back, and/or talking to him from the other room while he can't see you? That might help

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Hi Birdlover,

First and foremost, thanks for taking the time to post here. I applaud you for your courage and your desire to do what is best for your african grey. In addition, I'd like to apologize for any uncomfortable feelings you may have experienced here.{Feel-good-00020114} I can sense that your're feeling really exasperated, frustrated and possibly misunderstood. Very often on a forum like this one, the advice and good intentions of the people posting can sometimes get ovelooked. This occurs often because the tone and language used towards the receiver seems very judgemental, patronizing and opinionated rather than helpful and supportive. The majority of us are merely virtual strangers with one specific commonality and that is our interest in African greys. So I hope that you haven't given up on posting here and will give it another chance.


Now about your grey, it is my opionion that 1 or 2 hours a day is fine once in a while when you are extremely busy that day, but not for the majority of the time. The more out of cage time.. the better for the physical and psychological health of your parrots. The other matter is the screaming, Parrots are very social creatures. You are part of his flock. When you leave, he most probably feels like you are leaving him. What I would try to do is tell him that I am leaving before I leave and that I'll be back. Greys tend to like to know what is going to happen in advance. So just explain that you are "going to the kitchen for a bit, but I'll be back" It will take some time but try leaving for short increments. Like about 30 seconds and increase gradually. If he remains quiet.. lavish lots of praise on him! They adore flattery!



Last of all, would you be able to tell us a little more about how you came to have this grey in your life, how long you've known him etc.. so that we have a clearer idea of what the situation is? I can only imagine how nervewracking and ear piercing his screams are but I don't wish to give you any simplified answers. I believe screaming issues can be worked on but it does take time, work and consistency on your end if you are willing.Thanks!:)



Here's an article that you may find useful to read




Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/05/15 19:45


Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/05/15 19:49


Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/05/15 19:50<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/05/15 22:04

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I think the whole issue with rico is that he is in his cage too much. Saddly sincehe does not get along with our saint bernard he can not come out all day. The 1 to 2 hours a day is the most he can be out. I have tried talking to him from the kitchen and he still screams. I have a few people interested in him that are willing to pay what i want for him. I have spent way too much money on him to just give him to a rescue. Until he goes to his new home i have moved him into his own bedroom to help with my sanity and ear drums. ALthough it is still ver loud. I appreciate all the help you all have sent me or at least tried to send me. Rico has taught me one very important thing.....I am a dog person. My dog is my baby, he goes everywhere with me and sleeps in the same room with me. He is a very gently soul. I wish rico luck in his future home.

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