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Boarding my TAG


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I'm a fairly new owner of a rescued TAG. I've had her since Novemeber 06. I have a question for everyone. Has anyone ever had to board their grey while they are on vacation? I will be on vacation for just over 3 weeks and I will be boarding my grey with a really good place, but I'm worried that she will either forget me or be really upset. She is about 7 years old and lost her first mommy. I'm really worried about leaving her. Does anyone have any ideas or experiences with doing this...Please help me feel better about leaving her....




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  • 3 weeks later...

This site is so helpful to me. Everyone is so nice and I have learned alot. It's nice knowing that when I have questions I know exactly where to go for help....


I was just wondering if anyone had any options on Boarding my TAG...I know she will get great treatment but I'm worried she will be upset with me leaving her...Any thoughts:unsure:

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I doubt she will be upset with you leaving, and she won't forget you either, if you are bonded to her. I haven't left mine for that long but I don't think it matters, she will be glad when you return, so don't worry about it. My grey did not get upset with me for leaving her and I think most wont but there is probably a few that might. Go ahead and enjoy your vacation and she will be ok and happy to see you when you get back. Have a nice safe enjoyable vacation.:)

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Guest briansmum

she will be fine, if anything she'll just be happy you're home. time passes quicker for greys so it won't seem like 3 long weeks to her. as long as you are confident you are bording her somewhere she will be looked after just as she would were she at home, you have nothing to worry about. judy is right, enjoy your vacation!

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No you are not being a bad MOM, everyone has to get away for a while sometimes, and we all need vacations, but you will be so happy when you get back and she will make it all worth it by the reception she gives you, Mommy is home, Mommy is home. Don't fret over it, she will be fine and so will you. Now enjoy yourself.:P

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Bondsmom, I buy fresh veggie cubes from a lady near me that she makes and sells for birds. She also boards all types of birds. I have discussed boarding with her in length, as we have no one to take care of Talon if we ever need to leave her. She said that she has never had a bird show any signs, other than being a little quieter the first couple of days. She said they come around very quickly, and adjust well.

I'm sure it will be much harder on you, than her. Just think how happy she will be to finally see you! It will go quickly, and before you know it, you'll be back home. :)

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You are both right...It is me that will really be the one who is upset....I know she will be well taken care of and will get to make some new friends. I would take her with me if it was possible...Thanks again for all your support.



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  • 2 months later...

Just wanted to give everyone a quick update on Bond and her boarding experiance. She did wonderfully, the store that I boarder her at just loved her and I think she really loved it there too. As for me I missed her a lot and called several times from Germany just make sure she was alright. I was the crazy one and Bond was having a great time....We are both back at home and she really acts like she missed me and I know I missed her...So all is well...:P

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