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What do you do when you go out of town???


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I have a vacation coming up in a couple months and I'm wondering what I'm going to do with my grey . . . If I took her to a boarding place (if there even is one) I would imagine that it would be very stressful. If she stays at home, then she wont have someone here most of the time to take her out. The woman who sold her to me (from a petstore) she raised my grey from when it was a baby until she sold it to me, and said she would take care of her if I needed her to. She said she has a grey also. That was 6 months ago and if I did that I would basically be giving my grey to a stranger to take to her home without having any idea whats going to be happening to my bird while I'm gone . . . I'm just wondering what everyone on here does when they are going to be gone . . .

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Oh it sounds like a very good offer to me. If she raised your grey from a baby and actually ownes one herself then it's a good bet she knows what she is doing and loves birds herself. In my humble opinion you couldn't want for a better sitter.


Enjoy your vacation and try not to worry.

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Im no help to you because I don't go away unless my birds can come also so most times its just for a week end camping trip. I guess if I had to be away for awhile I would probubly get afamily member to come and watch them if I could. and if that wasn't possible I would hire a birdsitter like the person that raised her I think would be a great option if nessesary.

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Hi there,

After much searching, I found a former avian vet tech (used to work at the avian vet clinic I take my birds to) that will house and pet sit for me while I'm away. She has birds and other pets of her own, plus she stays at my place (so all my pets get to stay at home), so it's worth it to me to pay the extra cost for the peace of mind.


You might want to ask around at vet clinics like I did, to see if any of their techs are interested. ;)



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I think that would be a good solution to have the former woman who raised your grey to take care of it, she should be knowledgeable enough especially if she has one of her own. I also use the woman I bought my birds from to babysit my birds but I have to take them to her house for she has a house full of them so they have plenty of company.


Since she is a "stranger" why don't you get with her and take your grey with you and get to know her a little bit more, you can get a feel for her and her place by observing her and her birds then you can decide if that is the route you want to take.

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I agree with Judy, definitely get together with her with your bird before you go . . . and before you make a final decision as to whether or not you want to leave your bird with her!


Between my bird and my disabled mom I rarely go anywhere; when I do, I have a friend (who likes Jenna a lot) who stays at the house to keep them company and make sure they are ok. I'm going away for a long weekend over Memorial Day and I'm a bit worried - Jenna is just getting her feathers back after barbering them and I'm afraid she'll over-preen again while I'm gone. I'll make up a LOT of foraging toys for my friend to put in her cage, give him CDs etc to play for her, and I know he'll spend a lot of time with her . . . so my fingers are crossed that it works out ok ~fret~

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I was happier and less stressed when I got a house sitter. The house sitter happened to be the girl from the pet store that actually did the hand raising of Tobie. Even if it hadn't been someone that familiar with birds, at least he didn't have to get used to a new environment. The house sitter stayed at the house and went to work in the morning just like I do. She was able to let Tobie out of the cage every night for a while.

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I agree with Judygram. Take this lady's offer, but you and your grey meet with her so, your grey is comfortable and you are comfortable.

We take our birds to a bird sanctuary. It is kind of a rescue, I'll post a web link. She doesn't let our birds in with the others, she keeps them on her porch during the day so they can see the others and brings them inside at night so they are comfortable. They actually face the macaw flight area, and my blue and gold just goes crazy calling to them and they line up to talk back to him. Finigan does a wonderful macaw imitation, so gets into the spirit of things as well. They have a great time (I think). I might see if Finnigan can spend some time over by the greys, (they are on opposite sides of the property from the noisy macaws) but I don't know if Finnigan would like being seperated from Loki.


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I'm lucky, my 22 year old daughter, who was raised around my birds, lives close by and can come over to house sit and bird sit when we go on vacation. We haven't gone anywhere since I got Sam last month, but he'll be fine with her. Growing up she always refered to Nelson as her "little brother" so it was like taking care of a family member. Sam is her new baby brother so I won't worry - he'll be in good hands.



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