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Mistaken for an eagle


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Koko was at the playground this evening, perching on the metal bar as usual. But this time she was quiet, kept on looking up to the sky instead of jumping here and there.

I couldn't see anything because of the dark clouds.

My daughter noticed there was a small flying object very very high up. After a brief observation, it was a kite that looks like an eagle. Now wonder Koko was so cautious, having being fooled by the kite.:lol:

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Poor Koko thought it was a predator and was going to get him which brings up the fact that you should be watching very closely for any such things as one day it could very well be a hawk or another predator that could swoop out of the sky and grab Koko before you could bat an eye. Even if you have him on a harness and leash the attack could maim him so much that he would not survive or kill him outright, please be careful if those types of birds are in your area.

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Their eyesight must really be quite amazing. I have skylights in the room the birds are in, and whenever Max is suddenly quiet and still (or in fact, skewing her head to look up) I always eventually see some tiny way-up-hi bird or plane that she is watching through the skylight. It can be a TINY speck, but she's on it!

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I keep Adaya very close to me. We live in a wild bird reserve and although I love to look at all the different kinds of birds it can be a scary place for my baby's We have hundreds of hawks and Bald Eagles around. Even when she's on my shoulder there are times she snuggles up very close and kinda hides under my hair and when I look sure enough theres a hawk or Eagle circleing.

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