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Missing Grey


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My friends little Grey managed to escape last night,

we have been out looking the whole night but sadly cant find him:( Has went missing from the inverclyde area in Scotland.Please keep an eye out for him. His name is cheeko and is only about 7 months old:(


Going by the books i have read they say he will fly for the highest tree? but he is very frightend of anything new going in his cage. So i dont think he would even land on a tree.


Any information on where to look and how long he could survive would be gratefull.

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Aww man that's sad I don't know much on finding a missing grey somewhere here is a thread on that just can't remember where for the life of me!!!! She must call and whistle sounds he know,she probably went to all the neighbours??? How is the weather there??It's a factor on the surviving!!! I pray you guys find him!!!!!!!!! Please keep us updated!!! I found a lost CAG 6 weeks ago in my Mom's backyard put posters ect. out there no one has yet claimed him I have been scanning the local newspaper ect. still nothing!! I think he was used as a breeding grey he doesn't talk only sounds and whistles.


You guys are in my prayers!!

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Thanks Natasha. yip she tried all the neighbours, making some posters today.Shes been out all night shouting his favourite words and whistles. its so sad:(

Its not raining here thank god and not too cold.But i dont think he will last long out there:( Just dont know if he is still in the area? i mean how far would he fly if he is really scared?


Thats a shame no one has come forward to claim the wee cag! I know that if they are really scared then they wont say much, Good luck in finding his/her owners;)


Will keep you posted. xxx

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Well we have a found grey and a lost grey, too bad they aren't one and the same but tell your friend to not give up, knock on doors, put up posters and get the word out that one is missing, I will pray that your friend gets the grey back soon.


I wouldn't worry too much about the weather as he can survive thru that, his biggest enemy is predators, tell him to put his cage outside with the door open and some food inside, you never know he might come back to it, stranger things have happened.

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I'm so sorry to hear that! Is it possible for one of the moderators on this forum to post a huge BANNER on the site about this missing parrot -including pertinent details, location last seen and contact info etc... if found? This is just in case someone happens to find this lost grey and decides to look on the internet. It could really make a difference for this grey and their worried owners. Remember when I posted about the lost pionus parrot? Well it was thanks to the owner of the site who posted the banner on the site that this parrot is with her rightful owner Mike.


The person who found the parrot took her to the nearest vet and it was the vet who thought about looking on the internet and saw the banner on the pionus parrot forum right away!! Anyway this Parrot is home and her family is SO HAPPY AND SO GRATEFUL!


http://pionusparrot.com/pionusforum/index.php?topic=2247.0<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/05/14 15:33

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RockysMum, I hope your friend finds her grey. I pray the flyers help. Have local avian vets/vets been contacted? I wish I could help. I'll pray for this sweet grey's safety.


Natasha, I hope you find your lost grey's home. If not I know you will take good care of him.

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Contact local vets and pet stores. Put posters in supermarkets,petrol stations,contact the link Caroline provided,they are very good.Dont give up.The local radio stations and papers are usually very good at advertising lost pets,contact them and ask the radio stations to broadcast an appeal.Last year a grey who went fly about in my area was reunited through the local paper making a plea for sightings,he was returned very soon after the appeal.I wish you luck.Please let us know what is happening.

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!!!!!!!!!!!!!WE FOUND HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!



She found him at dawn this morning:D

2 streets away hiding in undergrowth!

Thanks everyone for their support and kindness xxxx


We did contact the local radio stations and newspapers.

put flyers up and checked the internet:D

Thankfully he is safe now and settling back into his cage.<br><br>Post edited by: RockysMum, at: 2009/05/15 10:46

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{Feel-good-000200BB}<br><br>Post edited by: Natasha, at: 2009/05/15 10:47

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That is FANTASTIC NEWS!!!! I was reading through this thread tearing up, heart breaking over the little guy's disappearance, then read the post where you found him and let out a squeal!!! My co-workers think I'm crazy...ha ha!!

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Please post pics!!!

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Thanks everyone:D

Just found out that he was found in the grounds of a retirement home, someone picked him up and took him inside and called my friend. when she got there he was eating a banana and babbling away:cheer: :cheer: . He has slept most of the day poor wee guy! will get down tomorow and get some pics for you guys:D

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