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My Twins are growing up! Pics


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It seems like yesterday they were balls of grey fluff! Well they are getting bigger and growing up! *sniff* Tina just sent me some amazing pictures of our babies sleeping, playing and telling secrets! lol enjoy them:



This is Ahjari and Tinas daughter Meg sleeping lol Ahmani is looking.




Ahmani sleeping with her feathes in her mouth I guess that's like her thumb just feathers lol:






There telling secrets lol:




My Favorite pic Meg sleeping with Ahmani by her side and Ahjari licking her! lol






My other Fav one of Meg and Ahjari sleeping!






Jari wiping up his poop lmaooo:






What did ya say? lol






Is that food over there or our other Mama? lol The triplets:





Thee beautiful Ahmani wih all her feathers intact! lol:




Ok I can't forget Ahjari Kissing Tina's Mama it's there first Grandma:



AhjariKissing.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: CarolandFamily, at: 2009/05/14 02:36

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Those babies in these pics are adorable, thats for sure Carol, I love the one where Ahmani is sleeping on her side, that Meg has a wonderful job, she gets to help socialize the babies, thanks for sharing them with us Carol, now when are they coming to you?

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Aww Thanks Judy they are moving quick! Ahmani hasn't taken anymore feedings in the last 2 days and Ahjari ummm he's still down to a half of a night feeding. They are doing awesome eating on there own and maintaining there weight. They have started flying a lil bit too. So we are aiming for the end of this month :D I jsut saw some more pics too lol so I am going to add those too :D

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AWWWW!! They are sooooooo cute Carol! Wow look how big they are, lol i say that everytime but they grow so fast! I really like the picture with both of them on the perch, its so cute. The sleeping pics are always so precious too. Thanks for sharing. How much longer until they come home??

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I love those pics the one your using as your avatar is my favorite. and of course babys always look like angels when there sleeping. the are very well socialized your going to have so much fun with them I can just see you laying on the couch with a babe in each arm and loving every minute of it. you'll even get used to being pooped on in no time:laugh: :blink: :laugh:

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Awww Thank You everyone! I see Chrissy over here lol and MommaFawkes too! They have some of Tina's babies as well :D. I am soo happy and am glad that you all enjoyed the babies. They are picture hams that's for sure. I couldn't be any happier and can't wait to finally see them.


LOL@Pat being pooped on! I remember when my I used to change my boys diapers and there goes the streamers! So I guess I better get geared up again for th epoopers x 2!{Feel-good-0002006E}



I started ordering different brands of pellets for them, a great seed and fruit&veggie mix, I am getting Ahmani a Pink Aviator harness lol, Ahjari has a silver one.


I am soo happy , nervous, excited, bouncey, scared too. I have all these emotions and you would think that I am having a baby of my own but they are going to probably out live me :) I am going to need everyones support on here and from my breeder as well. I know I have that :) it won't be long and they will be here soon and im on cloud nine!


Thank You everyone for the wonderful compliments and for being supportive of us :D





Carol<br><br>Post edited by: CarolandFamily, at: 2009/05/14 13:00

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wauw Carol .. they are so cute .. i lovee the one that sleeps with its feather in the mouth.. yah those kids are just adorable. .. congratulations with them . im sure they will bring you a lot of joy,, :laugh:

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Your babies are looking so beautiful and it really looks like they are getting lots of love and playtime from the breeder and her daughter. I just can't wait til the end of the month because I know your excitement is going to be overflowing here on the forum!B)

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