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My bird cooing at me?!?!


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My 3 year old African grey congo i have had since 12 weeks has just started "cooing"(sounds like a roll of the touge) at me. This is not his normal talking behaviour. Is this part of his Mating dance? He was doing a mating dance and bring up food about 2 hours ago. Is this the sound they make when they want to breed? Today is the first time he has made this sound.

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ahhh I am not sure what it means but I get this sound everytime I go near mine. I think its the cutest thing ever and always wondered where he got it from. Its like a purr and I just love it hes been doing it almost since I got him at 16 weeks.

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I think if he's bringing up food and purring its his way of saying I love you in birdy language and you should feel very flattered.:)He's not old enough yet to want to breed they arn't totaly mature until 5or6 years old. So tell your baby that you love him too.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/05/13 18:47

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Oh yes that is the sound of some hormones starting up even though he isn't old enough to be mature and since you said he regurtated for you thats about right. He doesn't necessarily want to breed, he is just starting to feel frisky. Is he holding his wings down lower and slightly spread? Thats another indicator.


I would avoid touching him under the wings, on the back and around the tail area especially around the vent as they are the erogenous zones until this behavior stops. You don't want to encourage this as it will only stress him out further.


Laurissa, why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome & introduction room and tell us more about you and this grey.

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yes he has been spreading his wings, stretched out forward accross his chest. I did figure out a few weeks back that this was called a mating dance, and the behaviour "mood swings" was all todo with his hormones but i have never heard him "coo" before. How long does the hormonal symptoms last?

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Laurissa, sound like your grey is showing his affection for you. Congratulations!!! What is your grey's name? I would love to hear more about him. He looks very handsome on your Avatar. If you have more pictures you would like to share we would love to see them. Welcome to the family!!!

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