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Better talker Male or Female AG?


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I was told by people that males are better talkers than females.

My breeder said that they both talk just as well, and make just as good of a companion.

Let me just say also that I didn't get Dalia JUST so I could have a bird that talks. As I know some never do.


I just want some opinions from the family here....


thanks everyone,


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In my humble opinion there is no difference in the talking ability of males versus female greys, I believe they are both capable of being good talkers. Now of course I have a female and have never had a male but I would be surprised if there is any evidence to support such a claim.

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I have a female CAG 17 months old. She already says about 30 different phrases clearly and distinctly. She has been averaging one new phrase a week for months now. Now when you consider that I work all day and she is alone, I live alone and she has noboby but me to talk to I think that is pretty amazing. I would be surprised if a male would talk better than that under the same circumstances.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/05/13 19:05

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Char wrote:

I would be surprised if a male would talk better than that under the same circumstances.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/05/13 19:05


Well, Dayo is home all day alone also, is a Male and picks up phrases and words in 2 - 3 days.


So it sounds like the sex does not matter. ;-) Which is what I advocate.


Most Greys on average do not start talking until close to a year of age and sometimes a little later than that.


I would not advise anyone to pick a specific gender based upon a "Hope" that it may speak sooner or better. :-)

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