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OMG Harrison is a FEMALE!!!!


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We just got the DNA results from the vet and our 18 months old CAG is a FEMALE!!! I can't believe it!!! What do I do? Should I rename her? HER?? Oh my, this is gonna be a hard transition for me. Everything we've taught her "Harrison's a pretty boy"...I know it doesn't really matter in the whole scheme of things, but...oh my goodness...


You know, when we first went to go pick a grey out, I wanted a girl but Harrison picked us...the breeder was sure she was a he...I thought I would name Harrison "Sophie" anyway but couldn't do it thinking he was a he...should I go ahead and rename her? HER????!!!! This is really gonna be hard. Has anyone else had this happen? Weird thing is, she's picked me as her person and I'm female...I thought they always picked the opposite sex. NO?? Well, obviously it's not always the case.


Anybody wanna share their experiences with me???

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Guest briansmum

wow thats shocking :woohoo: you're right that in the scheme of things it doesn't matter, but i can't imagine how hard the adjusment is going to be. personally i think harrison is a perfectly suitable name for a girl, plus looking at HER photos, the name suits her. the difficult bit is going to be changing "pretty boy" to "pretty girl". just remember he might be a she now, but nothing has changed to her. as far as she is concerned she's the same birdie she always was.

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Id let her keep the name and maybe start saying Mrs Harrison. It should be easy to get her to say Pretty Bird instead of boy. lol I teach all of mine pretty bird cause you never know. And good bird. But I tend to think all mine are girls till I have them sexed. lol

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I know of several other people that had to make similar adjustments for this very reason! It takes some getting used to, but with a little time will be natural.


I agree that Harrison is an fine name for a female. I also think you could change her name if you were compelled to do so w/o any negative impact to "harrison"! You would do it slowly over time, using a new name more and more and Harrison less and less. Many birds do in fact get new names throughout their lives if/when they are re-homed for various reasons.


Again, I would probably stick with Harrison, but if you wanted to change it up dont really see a problem. We debated over choosing Kip's name between Kipusa and Ruby. We ultimately went more or less with Kip, but her nickname is Ruby...so she hears both! ;)

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Heather. How do you think I felt when we found out our European Starling named HERCULES was really a girl. :P True story.. We would never change HER name from Hercules... I loved Hercules even more when I found out she was a darling little girl.. :P :P :P<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/06/27 00:47

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Guest islandgirltexas



THE EYES OF TEXAS ARE UPON YOU! TEXASF_11-1ab03f77de11b6474ed17b304a13dd29.GIF<br><br>Post edited by: islandgirltexas, at: 2007/06/27 00:45


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A friend of mine suggested the name Allison...but I know someone with that name and I don't really care for her...I think I'll keep her name the same...thanks for all the replies...I'm coming down from the shock of it.


I almost feel like I should treat her differently somehow...I don't know HOW differently...just different. I don't know. Maybe I should shut up until it all sinks in. I should've prepared myself better for this possibility...


Anyway, thanks!!!

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celery, that's pretty cool!! I clicked the link and read it...pretty interesting. The only problem...I'm a HUGE Olivia Newton-John fan and if I named her after Debby Harry, I'd have some 'splainin' to do...lol. It is a cute idea though...I'll give it some thought.

asr63.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: HeatherStrella, at: 2007/06/27 02:00

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Judy is right! We thought Talon was a boy. The breeder was certain. But after 1 year, we found out he was a she!! It does make you look at them differently when you find out they are a cute little girl instead of a tough little boy!!. When I received the phone call from the vet congratulating us on having a girl, I said to Talon, "Your a little girl!" and she said "YAAA!"


The hardest part was getting used to saying SHE instead of HE!! Especially while typing posts!!:pinch:

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Yes, you're right...it's hard to think of her as a girly girl...not a stud muffin...lol. But I did teach her (when I thought she was a he, of course)...to say "Tell me about it, Stud"...my favorite line in "Grease"...it sounds much better coming from a female!! LOL{Characters-00020061}

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So, does this mean the mating dance I thought she was doing isn't a mating dance? She kinda hangs her wings down, makes little grunting noises and coughs up her food on my hand. I stop her from doing it once I see her starting...I redirect her or put her in her cage...is that the right thing to do???

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Still sounds like a mating dance. I think redirecting this behavior as best you can is advisable. Otherwise once she's at reproductive age she may be more inclined to produce eggs...of course that may not be avoidable in any case! Many people think they have males only to later be proven wrong when their little boy lays an egg!! There's proof for ya!!!


Well, I am sure Harrison is a GOOD GIRL!! Yaay :)<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2007/06/27 05:02

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Guest briansmum

hey heather, i was just wondering how you are getting on adjusting? has it sunk in completely now? is she starting to seem like a she? have you managed to change anything she says from boy yet? just curious.



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Hi Beccy...thanks for asking. It has sunk in pretty much. When talking about her, I still say "him" but I catch myself. We have a female dog as well, so when I say "good girl" the dog thinks we're talking to her and she gets confused. So, I call Harrison "my little lady"...or "princess"...stuff like that. I also call her "Little Miss Harrison"...or just "Miss Harrison"..She hasn't said any of the new words, though. In fact she's talking less...but I think it's because of my schedule change. I'm off for the summer. When I was working, I'd take her with me into the bathroom when I was getting ready early in the morning...that's when she'd talk the most. She really likes it in there with me when I'm getting ready...I still bring her with me but it's not early in the morning. Also, she'd get really excited when I'd come home from work and would start talking like crazy...I'm home all the time now so I guess I'm not giving her the chance to miss me. Ha.

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Guest Lidia

Harrison's a great name for a girl parrot, I'd keep it. Or you could go Icelandic, a la Bjork, and call her Harrisdottor. Maybe not.

:silly:<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/07/02 20:13

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Guest briansmum

i think little miss harrison is lovely, it's good to hear you've gotten used to it now and i'm sure she'll start saying her new nicknames soon. maybe she's picked up that theres something different hence why she's talking a bit less.. maybe

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  • 1 month later...

That's hilarious!

I had a cat once named Annabelle. When "she" went to the vet to get "fixed" the vet called and said I might want to change "her" name...yep, gorgeous, pretty Annabelle was a boy! Never did change the name, though. He didn't care!

My grey's name is Klaus, and we don't know for sure that he's a boy. He's named after a character in a book who has sisters named Violet and Sunny. So, I'm trying to talk the family into going with one of those names in the event we find out he's a girl. We'll see!

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Thats right he didn't care, he knew his name was Annabelle and came when that name was called, and your grey will be the same way, he will still answer to Klaus if that is what you have been calling him, so why change it if you find out he is indeed a she. I would just leave it as it is, unless you just want to change it, but Klaus may have other ideas.

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