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One side broken feathers


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Hi everyone,

Kookie has broken a couple of flight feathers while he was playing. He chewed them off and they fell but I noticed that now he has more feathers on one side. Now he is not a regular flyer, only when something freightens him.

Do I need op be concerned about this, do I need to clip off the side with feathers to give him balance, or should I leave it like this until new ones grow? How long does it take for flight feathers to grow?


Also how to differentiate between molting and plucking? What is the normal number of feathers falling? When do we have to be concerned?


Sorry for asking too many questions but I wanted to put it all in one thread and thank you in advance for your replies and help


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If its only a couple they will grow back quickly. its definatly not enough to throw him off balance. Tyco used to chew all her primary and secondary flight feathers completely off on her left wing and that really put her off balance she would fall constantly. I had her wings evened out on both sides because she would fall so hard. now that she's in my home and happy she doesn't chew her feathers at all and hasn't in 2 yrs touch wood. now she's got all her feathers and she broke quite a few as they were growing in but I just left her and tryed to keep her as quiet as possible while they where growing and its paid off wonderfully all brand new feathers on both wing. your bird will grow those feathers back in no time don't worry

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Thanks Tycos Mom, well anyay Kookie doesnt fly around the house unless hes scared of something, so I guess it wont really affect him especially that I make sure nothing scares him off, so he plays and whistles happily on his play stand.



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Thanks Tycos Mom, well anyay Kookie doesnt fly around the house unless hes scared of something, so I guess it wont really affect him especially that I make sure nothing scares him off, so he plays and whistles happily on his play stand.



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Thanks Tycos Mom, well anyay Kookie doesnt fly around the house unless hes scared of something, so I guess it wont really affect him especially that I make sure nothing scares him off, so he plays and whistles happily on his play stand.



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