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1st night a success ...

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Hello All,


I'm a new mum of a timneh as of Mother's Day. She is an older timneh but you would never know it. She is calm, quiet, and a FANTASTIC eater. She is not fussy in the least. She growled when I first met her but now she has settled in nicely.


She was hatched and hand raised by her owner some 15 years ago. Her parents abandoned her and her brother in the nest box so she received human imprinting early on. She knows how to step-up and step-down so bonding has been easy.


She was spayed as a 2 year old so technically she has never been a breeder. She served more as a surrogate to babies in need. Sadly, her cage mate passed away a year ago. That's when her owner pulled her and brought her indoors to be a pet.


Fortunately for me she didn't get on with dogs and kids. I have neither that can harm her. Mine are deaf and blind. A dog and bunny that is. So there is my brief story about my new timneh. I still have no name for her as it has to come to me.




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Welcome, and congrats on the new TAG. They are very rewarding as companions and they are a blast to have around. Wonderful characters and very smart.


It is good to hear that she is a great eater, and not picky. My TAG won't try many new foods and if he does he normally takes a bite spits it out and throws the food at me. But other than that mine is a good bird and enjoys my company as much as I do his.


It is also great to hear she knows the step up and step down.


Karma is due to giving a good home to a very lucky bird. :lol:


Enjoy every moment of your time with her and learn together, your going to have a wonderful journey.

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Hello Mikio and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this grey.


Thats wonderful you could take in this grey and it sounds like she is turning out to be a great pet and companion for you.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so do read thru them at your leisure and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We love pictures here so if you have some you would share with us we would greatly appreciate it.

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Hi Mikio, karma to you for adopting an older grey and giving her a loving forever home. From your Avatar it is easy to see that she is a beautiful FID. Can't wait to hear more about her and the name that you decide best reflects this lovely grey. Welcome to the family!!

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