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One month-a-versary with Sam


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Hi, all.


I've been bouncing around the forum replying to posts for the past month or so and realized I had not offered an update as to how things are going with Sam.


Its been almost exaclty a month since I brought Sam home and, I have to say to this point, I've been VERY VERY lucky. Sam has been a wonderful bird! I find myself having many of the apprehensions of a first time grey owner despite having owned one for 20 years before getting Sam. Things like: when will he really start talking, and learning the words I've been trying to teach him, or the sounds of my house? Will he bond with me? Will he be cuddly like my last grey??? Will he ever learn to like fresh vegetables? Can I get him to eat pellets instead of just seed?


Well, he's already answered most of those questions in only a month's time! He's already picked up the sound of our phone's buttons being pushed and I hear some of my words mixed in with his mumbling and whistling. The bonding has been very rewarding with new progress every few days. We have what I call "lap time" every evening for an hour or two while I watch TV. It started with him on my lap getting scratched on the back of his neck only. He wouldn't let me scratch him anywhere else but that's ok, it was a start. Then I let him move up to my shoulder for scratching. Week-before-last, he started crawling back and forth from shoulder to shoulder across my chest trying to find the best side for a scratch. I leaned back in the chair to make it easier for him and it wasn't long before I noticed he had moved closer to my face and he was leaning against my cheek while I scratched him. After a few days of this, I reach up with my other hand and very lightly cuped it over his back for a few seconds before he'd back away. Within a couple days he stayed there with my hand over him, and I started lightly holding him against me. Now only a week or ten days later, he is laying down on my chest as I hold him and scratch him. He'll even stay laying down with my hand held on him for a couple minutes if I stop scratching. He's learned to make kissing sounds when he wants a scratch. I've also been working on expanding the scratching areas to his whole head face and neck and he now loves it all being rubbed or scratched. We start on the neck, then he turns his head for the side and upside down for the chin, and back to the other side. I can now rub his face till he looks like he's going to go to sleep. Last night, after a while of scratching, I decided to try another spot. I started sliding my hand along is neck while scratching, then down his side under his wing and he seemed to enjoy it. He's never liked being touched on his body up until this last week, but he lifted his wing a little and let me rub his side all while being held close. I think we've crossed another trust milestone and it's GREAT! I really enjoy this one on one time together in the evenings. Its relaxing for both of us.


Last night for a few seconds I though he was getting snotty because he lightly struck at the hand that was scratching him. He had reared up a little and acted like he was going to bite my hand again, flipped his wings a little and struck at my hand. I said " what are you doing?" as he did it again, then realized where I'd seen this behavior before - when he was playing with his toys! He was getting silly and wanted to play so we goofed around for a couple minutes much like I playing with a kitten. My fingers would go after him, his feet and beak, then he'd go after my fingers and hand in return. When he did get a hold of my finger he was very gentle and so were the "stikes" as he lunged at my hand beak open - it was all in fun and his eyes were sparkling almost like he was laughing. This is a first for me because Nelson wasn't a playful bird.


As for his food preferences. I purchased a seed/pellet mix and he eats the seeds early in the day and I hear him crunching some of the pellets in the evening. When I bring my dinner into the livingroom, he must know its time to eat and he'll climb down to the bottom of his cage to forrage. He'll work on an almond or Nurta-Berry dropped to the floor from breakfast, and then he'll go over to his Veggie bowl and forage there then up to the bowl that contains only pellets. He's doesn't eat a lot of the veggies but he does eat some so overall I'm pleased with his diet now. Of course, if he sitting on my shoulder when I eat, ANYTHING that goes into my mouth MUST be yummy and he wants some. I'll pretend to eat a bite of something I want him to try and he'll reach over to get some. Hahahaha - fooled you into trying something new! He ABSOLUTELY LOVES tea - I only give him a small occasional slurp but he then fights me for the glass and I have to put it WAY out of reach or he'll go after more. Sometimes I'll let him grab an ice cube to crumble. Do birdies get brain freeze???


I think his previous owners must have fed him from thier plate or by fork or spoon. He'll take food from a spoon or fork that he won't take from my fingers. He likes pasta and wild rice IF fed by spoon or eatten off my plate. (Pssssst... don't tell anyone about this. My household rule has ALWAYS been DON'T FEED THE PETS FROM THE TABLE!) I told Sam, "if you don't tell, I won't tell..." hehehehe


Last night he has taken to staring me in the eye while sitting on my shoulder lightly working his beak. I'm getting a soft eye flash and he's mumbling helloooo and making bubbling or clucking noises. I think Sam is saying "I love you" in his birdie sorta way. Who can resist something like that!!!???


The only bad habit he's had since I got him - that is finally fading, is the tendancy to grab a finger in his beak and squeeeze it to get what he wants. Its not a bite, just a chew, but it can hurt when he has the fingertip. Up until recently, he does the finger squeeze then lowers his head for a scratch. I've been removing my finger and saying "don't bite, ask nice", then I lower my hand to my lap away from him. He'll look at me and lower his head again. I'll wait a few seconds then give him and scratch and praise him for asking nicley. As of a couple days ago, I notice he is doing the chewing much less and is asking nicely much more often, sometime with a soft clucking or quiet bubbling noise. The bubbling noise is new and appears to be his way of a saying something nice to me.


A couple of cute things he does and has been doing since I brought him home: When he's excited about something he wants, like a treat or me opening his cage to take him out, - he growls softly under his breath. I thought at first this was a nervous, scared growl but it isn't. He'll do it in the morning when I drop a couple peanuts in the shells in his dish. It's like he just can't contain himself and its his birdie way of mumbling, "oh boy oh boy oh boy". Its really cute. The noise he does make when he's a little nervous about something is a soft hhmmmfffffffff. Its not really a hiss or a humph but is a softer combination of those sounds. Then he'll come over and check out the item or action that worried him a bit. It's his slightly fearful "huummm, what's that???" He is accepting of new things like new toys, but every once in a while he get a little suspicious of something and makes that noise.


Ok, there's the update. Sam is AWESOME and the little guy has me wrapped around his little talon. Life is GOOD!


Thanks for listening to me gush.



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Congrats Tom that is amazing! Time and patience has paid off.


I'm glad you and Sam are having so much fun together, and that you are picking up so well on his body language and sounds. From the sounds of it, like luvparrots stated, if he doesn't love you yet it won't be long.


Again, Congrats to you and Sam for bonding so quickly :)



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Well it sounds to me like you got yourself a very wonderful new friend. Sam sounds like he couldn't be happier about his new home and new companion if he tried. You have done so well with him in such a short time and I glad to hear his diet has improved also. I won't tell anybody about Sams getting fed off a fork or spoon I have a Grey that is the same way if I want Tyco to try something new that I putting in her dish I have to first feed her a spoonful or a forkful then and only if she likes it will she go and eat it out of her dish. if I don't do it that way that food will sit there untouched. Its really nice that Sam likes to cuddle with you. My baby Adaya likes to cuddle and I just love it I wish I could do the same with Tyco she loves her neck and face scratched and rubbed and closes her eyes and really enjoys it but she's not a cuddler and I doubt I'd ever get the privilege of petting her down her back. but I count myself lucky to have her she's very special and shows me how much she loves me everyday. I have Adaya to cuddle and snuggle up to and pet down her back she is a sweet little baby that trust me and allows me to even lay her on her back in the palm of my hand I pet her and rub her face when she lays there and she closes her eyes and will almost fall asleep. I love being their mom I don't beleive that there is a better pet for lack of a better word than a African Grey Parrot and I feel very blessed to have the privlige of haveing 2 intrusted to my care. Your update is just wonderful and I know you are going to have many wonderful years with the Grey that has been intrusted to you.

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Wow Tom, what a wonderful update on Sam. It is wonderful to hear how well you two are getting on and becoming closer everyday.


The evening leaning back in the recliner with your Grey on your chest nuzzling in for some good head scratching and relaxation is also one of our greys favorite snuggle times.


Thanks for posting this GreYt progress report. :-)

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Karma to you for a wonderful update! Sounds like you and Sam are really enjoying yourselves together, that is so good to hear. I know what you mean about the little excited growl, Jenna does that in the mornings and when I first get home from work :) May you and Sam have many years of closeness and fun together

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Thanks to all who replied. I knew you folks would understand my euphoria over my first month with this amazing little guy :cheer:


I know having 20 years of experience with greys helps, but I have to give all the credit to Sam. He's been the one to initiate many of these breakthroughs. He started only 4 days after coming into my home with his dancing back and forth from the corner of his cage while flipping his wings, like he wanted to fly to me. I walked over to him and he lifted his foot to be picked up. He initiated the head scratching, and when he was ready for more, he moved up against the side of my face to lean on me while I scratched. Then came the request for me to play with him and his making goo-goo eyes at me while he sat on my shoulder. With each step Sam made it VERY clear what he wanted. I bet if he could, he'd be dipping his talon in ink and writing me little notes that he could hold in his beak for me to read! "LETS PLAY" "PICK ME UP" "I WANT A BITE OF THAT" "LETS CUDDLE" "YOU'RE MY BEST BUDDY".


I have to admit, this whole relationship building thing with him has been the result of a perfect storm of sorts. Just when I brough him home my wife had started, and continues to work some very long hours. I have all evening to myself to work with Sam which I'm sure has accelerated our getting to know eachother. Add to that, his great personality and the fact I'm sure his previous owners nice job of socializing him. He was given up for re-homing because she and one of her kids developed alergies to his dust. She was in tears when I went over to meet Sam. When I came to pick him up she stayed in the back of the house, I sure because she was upset that he was leaving. If feel I received him from a loving home who did a nice job of raising him his first year which only makes it easier for me.


Thanks to all thse cosmic tumblers lineing up, I hit the jackpot and got a golden bird. I couldn't have done better if I'd taken a bunch of grey parts and built him myself. This little bird with the peanut sized brain has me TOTALLY figured out! MY training has been going well so far - or so Sam seems to think.


Its great to read your stories about your special birds. We are all suckers for these little feathered friends and I bet we ALL know the answer to the question - who owns who??? ;)



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