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Got some of Clyde's test results back


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The vet left me a voice mail message tonight with some of Clyde's test results.


Ok, first of all, I'm pretty sure she said Clyde's DNA test shows FEMALE. I replayed the message a few times to make sure I heard it right. Hmmm, now to figure out what to do about his name. I mean her name. :S


The test also showed her low on calcium, but hopefully an improved diet will help take care of that (and I'm working on it!).


Unfortunately, Clyde's chlamydia test came back positive. I can't say I'm too surprised (I was expecting health issues), but I am certainly disappointed. The vet is recommending treatment of a weekly antibiotic injection for 4-5 weeks. I'm assuming I will need to keep her quarantined during this time, which is really a bummer (I really hate isolating her). I'll get more details from the vet tomorrow, but that's what I have so far.


I think the only test result remaining is the PBFD.


Has anyone had to go through this chlamydia treatment before? Any thoughts or experience you can pass along?


I'm feeling a bit deflated right now. Sigh. :unsure:



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Dawn, I'm sorry about all of Clyde's health problems. I know you suspected something might be wrong because of her prior situation. I hope they can all be taken care up with the proper meds. So "Clyde" is a female. Will you be giving her a proper name for such a grand lady? Please take heart knowing you are now taking care of this sweet grey and know her life was been improved so much!<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/05/13 05:46

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Thanks for your thoughts. I'm hopeful that treatment will take care of this for Clyde, but my big worry right now is keeping my two other birds healthy and not spreading it to them.


I'm definitely considering a better name for her. Something that popped into my head the other day was "Cameo". No idea where it came from, but it's a possibility.


As far as the quarantine procedures I've been following, she's in a guest bedroom with the door shut. If the weather is decent (and it has been, mostly), the window in the room is open (screened of course) to let fresh air in. Her cage is fairly near the window. I haven't had the air/heat on since I got her, so no worries there. I also put something over the vent in that room, just in case.


That room is right next to a guest bathroom, which I've been using to change clothes in before/after entering or leaving Clyde's room. However, the door to that room is very close to the living room where Frog and Tizzy (my other two) are. It isn't a perfect situation, but it's the best I could do.


I've also been washing my hands after leaving Clyde's room (getting dishpan hands big time). But that doesn't mean it isn't in my hair or clinging to me somewhere else.


Something else that worries me - I have wall-to-wall carpeting, so this stuff could get in the carpet and possibly be made airborne just by vacuuming.


Trying not to worry, but I'm awfully good at it. :unsure:

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Try not to worry until you find out what the vet says about it and how easily it is spread to other birds mabie its not as bad as you think. I am sorry that she's coming into your home with these issues I was praying that she just had bad feathers. I like the name Cameo if thats what you decide on its a beautiful name for a beatiful girl. I hope the vet has something good to tell you soon.

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I am very sorry to hear of the test results and the need to keep Clyde quarantined for a much longer period of time.


You are doing all the right things in the precautions your taking to avoid spreading the disease to your other birds.


Looking forward to updates as you have them. :-)

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Ok, here's what the vet said today when I talked to her. She actually did two different tests for the chlamydia - one tested for antibodies and the other for shedding. The shedding test was negative (relief!), but the antibodies were high which she thought indicated a current or recent infection.


Not sure where she would have picked it up though, since her owner was in the hospital and she was confined to that tiny dark room. They did have another bird (cockatoo) in the house upstairs that I didn't see (I know, very unfortunate for that poor bird to be there)... it's possible she picked it up from that one.


After reading up on this disease, it says the incubation period is 3-10 days. Since I had her tested within 48 hours of getting her, it's highly unlikely it came from me or my home, so that's good news.


The vet feels that I'm doing everything I can to keep Frog and Tizzy safe. She also knows that they are healthy and feels that their immune systems should be strong enough to withstand any stray germs that might get out. And since we caught it so quickly and will start treating right away, we're looking pretty good. I just need to continue my quarantine for another 6 weeks... I feel so bad for her alone in that room!


Oh, and I think her new name might be Bonnie! It was my brother-in-law's suggestion and I love the Clyde association and that it's a pretty name for a pretty girl. I hope changing her name isn't a bad idea.



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I am so relieved to hear the prognosis is good for "Bonnie", great name btw, and congrats on having a girl and not a boy.


She already had it when she came to you so that is good news and I hope the other two birds don't get sick but you are doing what is necessary to keep that from happening so good luck and keep us informed.

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I am sorry to hear "Bonnies" test came back positive but you seem very dedicated and you will get thru this in no time. I know 6 weeks seems forever but it a short amount of time in the next 40- 50 years that she will finally have a great comfy home. Hope everything clears up fast and you can get on to those happy times with your flock together.

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Sorry Bonnie has these health issues.I am sure they can be treated so she returns to full health.It sounds like you are doing a great job of the quarantine so I am sure your other birds will be fine.Good luck and keep us up to date with the progress.

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