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Wild Grey ???


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Does anybody know how Wild Greys repramand their chicks? Tyco gets tierd of Adaya being a constant pest and she goes in her cage to get away from her for awhile. Adaya seems to know that she doesn't dare go into Tycos cage but she will continue to pester Tyco through the bars. eventually Tyco will have had enough and give her a little nip on her foot not enough to break skin or do damage of any kind but just enough to let Adaya know that she wants to be alone and to go away. I don't know if I should Tell Tyco no at this point or just take Adaya away because I'm not sure weather that just the way bird treat their little ones or if Tyco is being nasty.

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In the wild, greys and other parrots don't reprimand their chicks. The closest interaction is protecting and stopping a chick from doing something that may be harmful to itself. If a chick nibbles on a perent's foot, the parent simply walks away which instantly stops the chick from continuing. If there are 2 or 3 chicks in a clutch and they start annoying each other, they siimply turn away and that also stops the annoyance quickly. As the chicks become older, they stay with their own age flockmates. The adults stay with other adult birds. All of the wild birds are in areas where walking away is very easy and simple to do.

You're referring to 2 birds which aren't chicks, aren't in the wild and most importantly, have been provided with their own living quarters which doesn't happen in the wild. When one bird goes in it's cage in effect, it's going into it's own home and eventually that home will be off limits to other birds in certain situations. There's a huge difference between parrots raised in a home and those raised in the wild. At home, parrots will nip at each other if they feel cornered or want to avoid contact which at times is hard to do. In the wild, there's plenty of room to walk away.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/05/13 01:56

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I guess the thing todo then is when Tyco gets tierd of playing with Adaya and goes in her cage then then I should interveen at that point and remove Adaya from the area. Adaya being only 14 weeks old doesn't know when to quit.

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