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Toy Color Scare


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This morning, Jay and I were sitting on the couch, having breakfast with Spock between us. Spock was on his place-mat, playing with his toy abacus and having a grand time. We saw Spock take a hop/skip and then saw a large red spot on the couch about the size of a silver dollar. We then saw a long streak/smear of bright red that we thought was blood. I immediately picked up Spock and checked him over while Jay checked his rump area. We were ready to take him to the vets office and then visit the emergency room after for our heart attacks. It then occurred to us that his RED vegetable dyed toy abacus had been laying in a little bit of water left on the place-mat from Spock's breakfast earlier. WHEW!!!!!!! What a scare that was!!!!! Now all toys are washed in warm water, you'd be surprised how much dye comes out of these toys! Maggie and Jay

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I bet your hearts were just racing I could just see both your faces scared to death and woried sick that your baby has hurt himself or worse boy do I know that feeling. I'm glad to hear your birds going to recover and you can always buy a bottle of hair dye for the grey hair your baby's going to cause hahahaha

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Im so glad that evrything was ok!


I was quite suprised with the dye as well.


The greys love to put the wooden shapes I buy in their water dishes when they are playing and the amount of dye that comes out is amazing!


I suppose it must be safe and has been tested though.


Your story reminded me of a time when one of my cats came home covered in red on her belly, I thought it was blood. I rushed her to the vets where it turned out to be red paint:blush:


You can never be to careful!

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THANK YOU to all. It really was scary. It looked like bright red urine. Spock must have had it on his feet because it streaked when he ran across the couch. Looking at Jay, I do see that his gray temples have turned white...:laugh:


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A similar thing happened with Beau's toy blocks a few weeks back, I found a red mark on his neck and wondered what it was. Hubby thought it was blood although I wasn't convinced as it looked too light in colour, it was only when I saw colour missing from one of the blocks that I realised where it had come from.

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