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Ecko is 9 weeks!


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Just an update! Ecko is doing really good, He turned 9 weeks yesterday. He loves his cage, He is perching all the time now, and loves it, and is busy practicing all his cute little noises.


I am wondering if he should be starting to refuse any meals yet..I am thinking no not yet, But I just figured I would ask and be sure :) He hasnt, He still readily takes his 3 meals a day!


I have pellets and seeds and nuts in with him all the time, as well as water, And he doesnt really eat that much of it, It seems he is eating a LITTLE maybe, But not enough to make him full. Which I am sure is why he isnt rejecting his formula...I also put in veggies, Which he does REALLY like...But still again, not really eating that much of anything else but formula...So I was just wondering if this is the norm....


Thanks everyone, And hope all is well with all of you and your babies!

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You are doing a great job Hannah. Don't worry if he isn't rejecting the formula yet. He is still young and every grey goes at a different pace. Just keeping offering him the foods and pretty soon he will start to eat them. What about pictures?? :P I wana see how big he got. ;)

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Your doing a wonderful job I found when Adaya was that age if I chopped up broccoli for her she would eat it all she loved it but chopped up quit fine she really liked the stock of the broccolli which has the most vitimins in it she still prefers the stock to the flower she likes to rip apart the flower but will eat the stock I actually noticed that most of my bird prefer the stock my Amazon won't touch broccolli if I leave the flower on but if I cut the stock length wise she chows down on it like theres no tomorrow they prefer the flower if its cooked. I want to see some pictures too I just love babybird picture and seeing how fast they grow.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/05/12 23:10

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