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Hi everyone,well thought I would keep you up todate with my new CAG, I have had him for a week now and he seems to prefer my husband! I have been off work in orderto spend time with him, and he will let you rub his head, when I put my hand in the cage he growls andmoves away,but will go on my hand after a minute or two. He is eating his seed well and drinking well and loves grapes, any other treat ideas? Are they allowed natural honey? What calcium vitamins can I give him and the best way to give it?Oraly or in water or food?

Thanks everyone!

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They do generally pick one person as a favorite but usually the other members of the household can still have a good relationship with the bird if they don't take it personally. Since he has only been with you a short time and is an older bird give him lots more time to feel really comfortable in his new home.


A lot of greys do feel a little possessive of their cage, that is their safe place and they don't like us sticking our hands inside their zone so respect that and allow him to come out of his cage before asking to step up on your hand.


I hope you are feeding him more than just seeds, he should be getting vegetables, some fruits, nuts, grains, legumes and other more nutritious foods rather than just a seed diet. Be sure to look around the bird food room for lots of ideas and lists.


You can give your grey a little cheddar cheese, maybe a total of a half inch cube over a weeks time, most of them love it, my Josey goes nuts over it, you can also give a tiny bit of yogurt occasionally, without added sugar of course.


If you feed a balanced diet there is no need to supplement with vitamins as they get all they need from their food.


Thanks for the update on Mekki and check in more often so we can keep up with how he is doing and pictures are always welcomed.

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It's wonderful that you have taken time off work just to spend with your new CAG. Prior issues will take time for him to get over and start trusting women more. YOu are making great progress and with patience, time and lots of love it will slowly get better.


I would not add any calcium suppliment unless youve had a full check up on him with blood work and your vet advises you to.


Just provide him with plenty of dark green veggies like broccoli, green leafy ones like chard, mustard green etc. Almonds also have a high calcium content and of course a little cheese, which they love. :-)


Thanks for posting this update and keep them coming!!

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