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First week with Clyde


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Ok, first of all, I'm not sure I like his name (which he came with), but that's a whole 'nother topic. ;)


I'm still waiting on test results from the vet. The only one I've received so far was the gram stain, which was normal.


Clyde has started talking more, although most of it I can't understand. His previous owner had a pretty thick southern drawl, so I'm not surprised I can't quite make it out. :lol:


He has picked up some new sounds: the squeak the floor makes when I leave the room, my sneeze, my wimpy attempt at a whistle :P and my voice saying hello. That last one I heard today for the first time, which caught me totally by surprise. :laugh:


Something I'm very happy about - he's discovered that pellets are actually food and they aren't too bad.


I've been spending time with him every night before bed and he's mostly just hung out on my hand or leg with one foot tucked up and getting sleepy eyes. I've been giving him scritches most nights, which he seems to love (although tonight was not one of those nights... lol).


I've discovered that what I thought was part of what I thought was a breathing problem is actually... uh... hormonal behavior. The droopy wings and then the fact that it always stopped when I put him back on his perch clued me in.


He hadn't tried to bite me again... until tonight. I went to put him back in his cage for the night and he didn't want to go back in. It wasn't as hard of a bite as the day I first met him, but I could tell he was testing me. I ignored it and continued asking him to step up, which he did - but he gave me a "I'm not pleased" look, lol. Stinker. Instead of putting him right into his cage though, I kept him out on my hand for a few minutes and talked to him until he seemed relaxed again. Not sure if that was the right approach, but I was going on instinct.


So that's where we are. If anyone has any pointers to offer or thoughts on what I might expect behavior-wise in the coming weeks, I'm all ears. :)


Meanwhile, I'll continue reading through past threads on this forum. You guys are great - thanks!



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It sounds like you and clyde have had a very good first week you did the right thing by ignoreing the bite and continuing had you not done that he would keep doing it because you let him get away with it. how are his feathers looking any better have you been spritzing him at all? does he get enough out of cage time he needs a minumum of four hours a day and at least an hour of that should be undivided one on one time his out of cage time should be where he can see you and be with you but doesn't have to be undevided attention greys need to feel they are part of the family they should never be place away from the people around them during their out of cage time. it sound like you and him are going to be very good friend in no time Clyde sound like a very well socialized Grey its kinda sad that he has lost his companion hopefully you can ease the pain for him a little bit.

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What a wonderful update on Clyde. :-)


It sound like thing are going very well and youre right about going with your instinct which I'm sure is couple with paying close attention to his reactions and body language.


Karma to you for putting so much effort into Clyde and posting this great progress report!!

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I have to agree with you on the name, Clyde is not a name I would have picked but you can pick a new one later.:S


I can imagine you will start hearing more and more words out of him as he settles in and comes to trust you but it just takes time, time and patience are two ofour favorite words.


Pat is right, he doesn't have to have one on one time with you every minute he is out of his cage, he just wants to be where you are, in the room where you are, he just wants to be with the rest of the flock.


You did good on the bite, continue with that and it may happen less and less, he is testing you and you need to pass with flying colors.


Keep up the good work Dawn, you are doing greyt.:)

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Awww... thanks everyone! I'm glad you like the updates. Here I was thinking I was babbling on about boring stuff. :P


tycos_mom, unfortunately Clyde is still quarantined from my other birds until I get the thumbs-up back from the vet. That means he doesn't get much "flock time" yet or get to be a part of the every day activity.


He does get out-of-cage time for about an hour every morning and an hour or so every night. I've also been trying to take him outside in the travel cage (weather permitting) after work every day, so he can hang out with me there while I'm doing yard work. Yesterday he critiqued my bush pruning techniques and offered pointers... well, I'm sure that's what all his jabber was about. :laugh:


I've given him a few misting showers while outside in the travel cage, but he doesn't love it, so I don't want to do it every time (that whole negative association with the travel cage thing). His feathers look about the same, but they are definitely starting to lose their cigarette smell (which I'm thrilled about).


Last night during our out-of-cage time together (and before the biting episode), I was treated to beak-grinding, sleepy, contented birdy sounds... first time he's done that with me. It was nice to hear. :)


I wish the vet would call with test results. And I'm waiting on the DNA test before deciding on what to do about his name.



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Ok, I temporarily ran out of patience and called the vet to see if they had any updates for me yet...


The CBC results are sitting on the vet's desk, waiting for her. GAAAAHHHH...


Re-summoning my patience mantra now.



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That sounds about right, heard that before, don't they know you are waiting on pins and needles here, might have to bug them some more and then maybe you will get the results so they can get rid of your calls about it.

Try it, never know it might work.:pinch: :whistle: :cheer:

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