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What CAG really need? Shots? BLoodwork?


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As some of you might already know, i brought an 4-5weeks old CAG on June 17 2007 before doing any research. I had no experience in feeding or even know how to take care of a baby. I already knows that everyone is against buying something so young and without experience. Well to make thing short...


I have the feeding down pack. Eatting every 4-5 hours daily and is healthy and happy. But i was reading some of the entry, i notice some people talk about giving them shots and stuff.


My question is, what do my CAG need? What kind of shot or other medication I need for CAG? If there anyone out there who can help me and point me to the right direction, I am greatly appreciated.




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Guest briansmum

no they do not need any shots, as far as i know. a good thing to have them tested for is beak and feather disease which is done by blood test at a vets. there is something else vets can test for too but i have forgotten what it is called.

it would be good to visit a vet also so he can check your baby is happy and healthy and reccomend any supplements if need be.

this is not just because your baby is so young it is just a standard thing to take any new bird to the vet for a "well bird" check up when you first get them.

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No shots are needed. The vet will do a gram stain as well, which checks for many different types of bad bacteria that they might have.

Good luck with your baby!

Do you have a scale to check his weight on. If not, definitely purchase one asap.

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