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Hey everyone, my name is Nick, I'm 19 years old and I just purchased a 3-4 year old Timneh Grey and he has been at home for about a week now.


I bought him from a local pet store, where I was with him every day for over 2 months before I got him and me and him have bonded really well.


He is definitely a unique character and loves it when I scratch his neck. He knows some whistles, and also knows "what'd you say?" and "Good Bird Partner!" along with a few other phrases that he mumbles.


For the most part he looks very healthy, even though like most animals I know they can hide illness very effectively. I will be scheduling a vet appointment within the next week to have a routine check up and DNA blood work done.


Well, here are some pictures of my Partner :cheer: ,





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Yep, he is my first parrot, and first bird of any type. His behaviors were really intriguing to me so I had my heart set on him. (Hopefully in time I can get the Blue front amazon that is there too (he is funny as all heck too lol)


I have had plenty of more "common" animals in the past. 5 hamsters, 3 dogs, 4 cats: and the more exotic 2 chameleons and a bearded dragon (actually, 2 of the cats are still living and so is one of the hamsters, chameleons, and the bearded dragon)


And Thank you for the warm welcome, I'll have plenty of questions and you'll see a lot of me on this forum. :P

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I also had another thought, I was just wanting to have maybe some sort of "critique" on Partner's cage, like if I need to add more toys, take out toys, etc.


Here is a couple pictures of his cage:








He seems to really enjoy the toys he has now, and I'm looking for puzzle type toys for him. I have plenty of things for him to shred which is just grand to him.


He is also out of his cage for at least 6 hours a day, and most of it is with me doing what I do around the house. Sometimes he just prefers to relax in his cage with his door open. He likes it when he knows he can get out but doesn't have too.

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Welcome to the forum great peeps here!!! Lovely TAG

you have love the cage as well don't take the toys out they love playing!!! Rotate your toys every few weeks he will not get bored with it then and a new toy is always a bonus!!!

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Even before I bought him I was going in and out of different pet stores looking at bird toys and seeing what would interest him, and surprisingly enough, it is the simplest things that spark the largest and best reactions out of him. Plastic bottle caps are one of his favorites. He also likes it when I sing to him when he is just relaxing and he loves to be around me on my laptop watching all the different pages and youtube videos lol.

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lol ;) they always love the stuff that aren't toys you should read the thread about homemaking toys they have lots of selfmade toys that the Grey's adore!!!


Boesman loves music he starts shaking that feathers as soon as I put the music on {Communicate-00020110}

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Hello Nick and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Partner.


That is an unusual name for a grey, I am assuming he already had that name or you picked it because he said "Good bird partner" to you. Cute.


He does look healthy enough but a vet visit is wise to make sure he is in fine shape and from the looks of things you two are off to a greyt start.


My suggestion is to add maybe another toy and rotate them out every couple of weeks to keep him from getting bored. If he loves to tear up things then get those kinds of toys and we do have a homemade toys and playstands room where you will find lots of ideas for inexpensive or even free toys to provide entertainment for you partner and foraging type toys are always a big winner.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so do read thru them and ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Thanks for providing some pictures in your opening post as we usually have to ask for them, you catch on quick.

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Welcome Nick and Partner!!


It's GreYt having you here.


It's always nice to hear of a person such as you taking a Grey in that needs a good stable loving home.


The way you have the cage setup is GreYt and I would definitly add foraging and other challenging items as you indicated your going to.


The photos are wonderful and he looks like one happy and healthy Grey. Thanks for sharing the photos and the good introduction. :-)

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Thanks again everyone for the warm welcome! :cheer:


He has a bell on the end of one of his toys on his playstand, he isn't to fond of it quite yet, because in the store he never had one, so it will take some time before he gets used to everything.


I was looking over all the recipes and a few other things on here and was surprised at what they can eat, and the very few things they can't.


I also noticed a huge list of home remedies instead of using chemicals! Just what I was looking for. My dad bought ant killing spray because we have a small ant problem in his home, so I'll steer him clear of the chemicals and tell him all the different things that can be used as an alternative.


I'll have to look into the playstand and toys room, the toys are horribly expensive, and I think it is kinda silly to pay $20 dollars for a toy he will chew up if I can just make him one for a couple dollars.


This site has EVERYTHING that anyone could ask for, which is amazing, what a great site, and I will be on here everyday reading as much as possible. Thank you guys for contributing to such a great informative site, it really helps hearing from those with personal experience :lol:

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