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Wonky beak - please help


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When we first aquired Ruby her beak was normal. She had a small accident and flew into one of my kitchen cupboards breaking off the point of her top beak. Since then it has been growing wonky and the bottom seems to be out of alinement, causing the bottom to grow up like a tusk!!

Occasionally it breaks off and all seems normal again, but more recently, it has been really wonky. It doesnt seem to be affecting her eating or speaking, but it looks really uncomfortable, and I feel so sorry for her. Has anybody else experienced anything like this and what do you suggest that I do????

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I agree with Judy. She needs to be seen by a vet right away. The sooner it is seen the sooner it can be corrected. It may not be bothering her eating at the moment but could in the near future. It may also be painful. I think a trip to the vet is in order right away.

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As others have said, a trip to a good avian vet with experience in dealing with a scissor beak problem is in order.


They can get the beak back into proper alignment many times when action is taken early enough.

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I'm so glad you have been able to get an appointment for your grey so quickly. We'll be waiting for your update and I hope the problem can be easily corrected!!! I'm glad you've joined the family. Ruby is a lovely name for your grey. Welcome to the family!!

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