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.... Do your birds wake up?


Mine used to sleep quite well, we would have to wake them on a morning when we got up for work.


Charlie has now decided its really good to wake us every morning at 6.30 with his full range of vocab and all his whistles and singing!


If I didnt worry about the neighbours before, I really am now!


Funny thing is the other two dont make a sound until we uncover them! I think they enjoy their sleep.


I dont mind through the week but the rest of my clan are not happy on a weekend at being awake so early, and of course the worry of next doors!


So just curious, do you get an extra hours sleep and what time do your birds wake up if you dont wake them?:)

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Mine are awake when I uncover them at whatever time I do that, weekdays it is about 6:30 am but on the weekends it might be 8 or so before I get up to uncover them, sometimes hubby will uncover them if he is home as he usually gets up early every morning.


Mine are quiet until they hear me up or I uncover their cages, you don't hear a peep out of them, they are good birds, they don't wake mommy up early.:blush: :laugh:

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Charlie has started banging his toys round and playing his juke box which has singing in the rain on at around 6am.He never usually makes a sound till I get up.Mind you I usually wake him up at 5am when I get up for work so maybe its because I am off work he is getting his own back.



Try a heavy dark cover over Charlies cage eg a blanket and see if that helps.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/05/11 22:24

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Nelson my Timneh would start getting noisy a while after sun up even if he was covered. This wasn't bad in the winter time but in the summer the sun comes up very early this far north. I enjoyed the noise but my wife could get grouchy if he woke her too early on weekend mornings. Now Sam is different. He's totally silent until one of us gets up. Even then, if I leave for work early and leave him covered, he'll eat his breakfast and settle back down until my wife gets up and uncovers him. We both sleep in on the weekends and Sam is still quiet until we get up. I'll be curious if he stays this way as he gets older.



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Ana Grey is a sweetheart and will stay quiet until about 9:30 am after that she will start calling out. On his first day Sully got me up at 7:30 am with a loud squawk, scared the daylights out of me. I sang "Good Morning to You" to him and he quieted right up. He was very quiet until I opened the door this morning about 9:00 am. Guess he doesn't like my singing!!!!:lol:

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For ours it depends what time of year it is to what time they wake up. In winter I actually have to wake them up about 6am and the weekends about 8-9am.


Spring and summer are a different story, it gets light about 0330 and in summer it doesn't really get dark the sun just sits on the horizin. The first year we had them they would wake at 0330, but now we have blinds and they wake about 6am or a little before that. Rangi is the first to wake up and he starts chattering away.

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Rexxy is awake before the cover comes off about 7am on weekdays.He then pases back and forth on the bottom of the cage and barks untill it is time to come out and eat.


On the weekends he is covered longer, about 9am. But he does not make any sounds. It is like he knows it is the weekend and no one is getting up to eat.

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