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Chewing or Molting?? Pic included . . .


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This is a picture of my CAGs neck. It definitely looks like she's been chewing on her feathers here and on her back. Her back doesn't have any bald spots like in this picture. She's always chewed on her tail feathers so I'm not sure if this behavior has extended to other areas of her body. She also may have a sinus or ear infection right now that may be causing more chewing. I've read on other posts that CAGs will molt around the age of 1 yr and she just turned 1. I'm not sure if this is chewing or molting so I thought posting a picture would be the best way to find out.


Post edited by: jlandsiedel, at: 2009/05/11 02:20<br><br>Post edited by: jlandsiedel, at: 2009/05/11 02:23


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umm I m not an expert or anything, but it looks to me like she has been chewing off his feather rather than molting. My grey is 3 years old and he molted once about 1 1/2 years old and it didnt look anything like that the picture you posted. hopfully someone whos more experienced can give you more information about it. good luck!

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It's really hard to say based on just that picture. Perhaps she is going through a serious molt. Some parrots just look alot more shabbier than others. Although I must admit it's not obvious to tell whether my parrot is molting unless you look at the downy feathers on the floor. Would you be able to post other pictures... that include her whole body? On another note .. if your parrot has any type of infection then they should be seen by their avian vet as quickly as possible. Have you taken her to the vet yet?

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I took her to the vet yesterday and the vet concluded that it was a fungus around her ear. She gave me a solution to rub on it twice a day. She also said that Juliet is probably molting but definitely chewing on her feathers as well. She is going to give me an herbal remedy she said she's seen remarkable results with, pertaining to feather plucking and chewing. I have to pick it up next week because she was out of stock but I will definitely post the name of it on here when I get it. Hopefully Juliet will have great results like she's seen with other parrots.

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